16 (b) - Great 2gether

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Author's Note : 18+ material coming up

Recommended soundtrack (I looove this song):
Anna of the North - Lovers


Tine's POV

Wat looked too stunned to speak. He touched his lips where I'd kissed him, wonderingly.

I sat back down, and continued eating. The meal was an expensive one, and I wasn't going to waste it.

"Tine, look at me", he said, his voice almost a growl.

The beast in him was awake.

His eyes were burning, his lips parted, the tip of his tongue running over them lightly on the inside. His breath had quickened and his fingers gripped the glass of wine. His cheeks were flushed, the tip of his nose was pink.

He looked like he would bend me over the table and take me right then and there.

He raised a hand and a waiter appeared beside him.

"We will be taking this meal to go", he said, his eyes on me throughout.

I watched wordlessly as the waiter cleared our mostly untouched plates.

I didn't trust myself to speak or do anything. I didn't want to unleash the beast in the restaurant.

I sipped my wine and Wat downed his in one go. His eyes never left me, and I knew tonight I wouldn't be spared.

The waiter returned presently, a neat parcel in his hands.

Wat placed a substantial amount of cash on the table. He immediately stood up, caught me by my wrist and walked us out.

I could hear gasps, sighs and other expressions of a similar nature following us on our way out.


Wat didn't say much on the way back in the car. He seemed to want to stay in control and kept his eyes on the road, but the pulse throbbing at his neck told a different story.

We finally reached home. I made to unlock the door, but Wat pushed me with my back against the door and stopped me from opening it. He placed his hands on either side of my face and looked into my eyes.

"Can I kiss you, Tine?" asked Wat. I nodded mesmerized.

He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me sweet and deep. His lips made love to mine.

Wat pulled back way too quickly for my satisfaction. I tilted my head to him, my lips asking for more.

"Can I spend the night with you, Tine?" asked Wat in a low, husky drawl.

I could only nod, so aroused and overwhelmed by this Date-Wat that my brain refused to form words.

He circled one arm around my waist and pushed the door open with the other. He pulled me close and pushed us inside in one smooth move.

Before I knew it, I stood with my back pressed against the door again, but now we were inside our apartment.

This time his kiss was rough and hungry. His mouth consumed mine, his tongue probed and tasted me. His lips fucked mine.

His hands held my waist and pulled my hips to his. I could feel both our hard lengths grinding against each other beneath our clothes.

At long last, we surfaced for air, flushed and panting for breath.

"Before I fully and thoroughly devour you, Tine, I wanted to give you something", said Wat and pulled a small box from his coat pocket. He opened it and held it out.

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