Chapter 2 : Say Hi to Stranger

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The Sun has arrived with his brightened rays . At the her place Riddhima was getting ready for the college.

Prerna : "Riddhima, here is your lunch box. Don't forget to take."

Riddhima came into kitchen in hurry and took the tiffin box.

Riddhima : " Yes mumma. Ok I am leaving see you in evening, bye mumma."

Prerna : "Bye beta, go safely don't rash drive."

Riddhima : "Yes mumma. Don't worry."

Riddhima : "Bye papa, I am going to college."

Malay : " Bye beta, go safely and concentrate on your study." He smiled.

Riddhima : "Ya papa I will."

She left her home and started her moped. She was on her way to college.


At the College.

Riddhima entered into the class. Sejal was seated at their place. Riddhima greeted her.

Riddhima : "Hi Sejal"

Sejal : "Hi Riddhi"

Just then professor came.

Professor : "Settle down class. So today we will learn first chapter of economics. Concentrate here."

After the lecture he made an announcement.

Professor : "class tomorrow will be your test for this chapter and your marks will be added into your internal assessment. I have given you book name so prepare yourself for test. Good luck all."

Riddhima : " Sejal we need to get that book from library, after lunch we will go to library."

Sejal : "Ya we have to."

It's a lunch break. They both have seated in canteen. Riddhima opened her tiffin box.

As soon as she opened her tiffin Sejal got wide smile on her face and said.

Sejal : "Oh my God Riddhi !!! Bhindi (ladies finger) , it's my favourite."

Riddhima : "Mine too" with a smile.

They had lunch and headed towards library.

Riddhima : "Sejal you find book in this section and I am going to another section. Ok"

Sejal : "Ya ok."

Riddhima was finding book. Suddenly she saw a guy, subtle in nature , was so calm and composed. He was reading with utter concentration.

She couldn't understand why she felt like that for anyone. It wasn't like that she hasn't seen any such guy before but she found something mangnatic and attractive in his personality.

Suddenly Sejal came , she was still staring him. Sejal tapped her and said.

Sejal : " Riddhi !!! Where have you lost?? See I have got the book."

She was still dwelled in that guy's thought. She again tapped her.

Sejal : "Riddhi !!! Hey hello...!!!"

Suddenly she awakened from her thoughts.

Riddhima : "Oh I am sorry Sejal I didn't realise your presence."

Sejal : " would you, as you were lost somewhere else or in someone else's thoughts" with a teasing tone.

Riddhima : "No there is nothing like that" as she felt so emberessed infornt of her.

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