Chapter 28 : Knock Knock

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Vansh and Riddhima were all alone in his room. Slowly he was moving towards her. She was feeling extremely shy. Her heartbeats were accelerating.

Vansh held her hand and pulled her towards him. She had no courage to see Vansh. She was seeing downwards.

Vansh : "Sweety look at me."

He made her see upward. But she was getting extremely shy. So Vansh covered her in his arms.

Vansh : "Are you happy Sweety?"

Riddhima : "I can't tell you how happy I am Vansh."

Vansh : "Please look at me once Sweety. It feels like I haven't seen you properly."

Riddhima slowly moved towards him. He held her chin and said.

"How can one live a single moment without you."

He bruised his hand on her lips. He started kissing on her cheeks, chin and nose.

Riddhima felt like a strange sensation pervaded her body. Even she couldn't control herself. She dragged him towards her.

They closed their lip distance and had a passionate kiss. It's been so long they have experienced such sensual moments.

He extended his hands towards her bare back and waist. He tightened his grip on Riddhima.

He was kissing on her neck. Both were so indulged into each other.

Riddhima : "I love you so much Vansh."

Vansh : "I love you too Sweety. You have no idea how much I have craved for your lips, your cheeks and for you."

Riddhima : "Vansh !!!"

They again had a passionate kiss.

They were still hugging each other. And suddenly they heard a knock.

"Vansh ... Vansh.!! Is Riddhima with you??" She was Dadi.

Vansh and Riddhima got panicked. Vansh couldn't understand what to answer her. In hurry he said.

"No Dadi, she must be with siya and ishaani."

Dadi : "I went to their room but she wasn't there. So I thought to ask you. Please find her. At her home her parents must be worried for her."

Vansh : "Yes Dadi , I am changing clothes. I am coming in a while."

Dadi headed to downstairs.

Here in room Riddhima was also got panicked.

Riddhima : "Vansh.. what if anyone will caught us together. Please do something."

Vansh : "Relax sweety.. we are going to get married and no one will see us. I will open the door. You will leave first and I will follow you."

Riddhima : "I am scared."

Vansh : "What scared I am with you princess. Now common you go first."

As per instructions Riddhima went first and came to downstairs.

There Dadi and Anupriya were getting worried for her. Upon seeing her they said.

"Where were you?? we were so worried for you."

Riddhima : "Mumma , Dadi.. I was coming to downstairs only but got confused in mid way."

Just then Vansh also came. And said.

"Where were you?? Dadi was so worried for you.. I must say very immature behavior." With false anger he said.

Dadi twisted Vansh's ear and said.

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