Chapter 23 - A Match made in Heaven

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It was a beautiful morning. Riddhima got ready and went to Sejal. Sejal was selecting orgnamets for mehndi ceremony.

Riddhima : "Can I help you with something?"

Sejal : "No everything has been done. And what is this you haven't ready yet!! We have mehndi ceremony in an hour."

Riddhima : "I am not bride, I don't need much time. Ok"

Sejal : "Riddhi.. how do I look?"

Riddhima : "Very very pretty."

Sejal : "Thank you... Now stop doing chit chat and please go and get ready."

Riddhima : "Ya I am going ma'am" she smiled.

Riddhima was getting ready into her room. She wore green colored crop top and lehnga. Wore long earring and did makeup. Indeed she was looking so beautiful.

She arrived where ceremony was about to start. She went to Sejal and sat adjacent to her. Sejal complemented her "Riddhi any one can flat on you...!!"

Riddhima : "Shut up Sejal." She showed cute anger.

Vansh also came there , he sat with rest of the males. From a distance he saw Riddhima.

"Why are you so beautiful !!! You will make me mad some day."

He was constantly admiring her beauty.


Ceremony started. Mehndi artists started with Sejal first. Riddhima was quite impressed with their designs.

"Sejal , your mehndi is so beautiful."

"Thanks Riddhi."

Then Sejal told mehndi artists.

"Please make such beautiful designs for my best friend too."

Artists said "yes". After finishing Sejal's mehndi they started Riddhima's mehndi.

They made beautiful designs for her too. Riddhima was quite happy with the design.

All the females of the family have applied mehndi. It was the time for lunch. But Sejal had mehndi on her hand so her brothers and other friends were feeding her.

Riddhima was thinking "who will feed me!!??"

Just then Vansh came with plate.

"Here everyone is busy and I believe you are also hungry so may I?!"

Riddhima Sank into deep thoughts "I will never be able to understand him."

Seeing her lost somewhere Vansh again asked "May I Riddhima??!!"

She didn't said anything , she just nodded.

Vansh fed her with his hand. Both didn't speak a single line but they felt the same strand that has bounded them years ago.

Riddhima in her thoughts "You still care for me Vansh. Why don't you say the truth."

Vansh in his thoughts "I can never tell you the truth because I don't deserve you, I gave you nothing but pain."

They both were looking into each other's eyes. They got distracted by a voice.

"Well nice Vansh you made her eat. Otherwise I was about to tell my brother to feed Riddhi." Said by Sejal

Upon hearing this Vansh said "No don't bother him I am here for Sweet.... I mean I am here for Riddhima.." A sudden possessiveness was in his voice.

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