Chapter 17 : Will You Marry Me

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Riddhima was doing her work in the office but back of the mind she was thinking about Vansh.

"it's been a month today and still Vansh didn't call or message me for the surprise!!"

She was dwelled in all those thoughts just then she got Sejal's call. She received the call.

Riddhima : "Hi Sejal"

Sejal : "Hi Riddhi !! how are you??"

Riddhima : "I am good Sejal, how about you."

Sejal : "I am also fine, now tell me fast what did Vansh gave you??? He was going to give you surprise today... Right!!"

Riddhima : "Nothing yet yaar" a sadness in her voice.

Sejal : "Oh common Riddhi !! He might be busy, I am sure he will definitely give you something because as far as I know him he is man of words."

Riddhima : "Ya Sejal I know this. But..."

Sejal : "Uff...just don't overthink please ... Ok... Riddhi I am having some work but do let me know ... Ok.."

Riddhima : "Ya definitely I will"

They put the phone down. And Riddhima resumed her work.


At Raisinghania group of companies.

Kabir was in his cabin. Today he finished his work early. He thought.

"It's been so long I haven't met Riddhima, let me go to her office. It will be a great surprise for her."

He told his assistant that he is leaving office early today as he has some work. And report this to Vansh.

Assistant : "Vansh sir has already left the office as had some important work."

Kabir : "Ok no issue then."

He left his cabin and made his way to the car parking.


Riddhima's working hours had been completed, she packed her stuff and was leaving for her the home.

As soon as she came out from the main door. Her eyes got widen. Vansh was standing there and was waiting for her.

She quickly moved towards him and said.

Riddhima : "Sejal was right you are man of words."

Vansh : "What !! It means you were doubting me??!!"

Riddhima : "No obviously not, but bit worried that why you haven't come yet."

Vansh : "I must tell you , you are becoming so impatient. It's definitely not a good sign."

Riddhima : "And you are behaving like a preacher. Which is also not good sign."

Vansh : "Now shall we go??!!! Or you want me to stand here like forever!!"

Riddhima : "Obviously not, but where are we going??!!"

Vansh : "Someone was getting impatient for surprise, so you have to come with me to see that."

Riddhima got tickle in her eyes. She was about got into the car. Just then Kabir arrived there.

From a distance he saw Vansh's car. He got puzzled what is he doing here. After a moment he got another shock Riddhima was with him and both sat into the car and going somewhere.

"What is this!?? What Riddhima is doing with Vansh, where are they going?? I have to find it out."

He followed Vansh's car.

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