Chapter 3 : A Twisted Reality

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It was blissful morning in Raisinghania mention. Vansh came downstairs. He was in hurry for college. Just then anupriya called him

Anupriya : " Vansh why you didn't have your breakfast today??"

Vansh : "Mom I have an extra class today and after college I have to go to office for dad's help, so don't insist me I will have something in college."

Anupriya : "Should I pack something??"

Vansh : "No please mom don't bother , trust me I will manage."

After saying this he left for college.

Here in college result has been displayed. Riddhima and Sejal both got A + grade both were quite happy.

Just then Vansh came from behind. She felt like her heart has skipped a bit. He passed like an air.

Riddhima was still searching for him but he vanished. Riddhima felt disheartened. She couldn't understand why a stranger is affecting her to this core.


Two months has been passed, their Unit examination was over. In a pleasure day Riddhima was passing through the corridor and she saw huge crowd near notice board.

She saw Sejal there and she asked her.

Riddhima : "What is going on Sejal??"

Sejal : "Riddhi after two weeks inter college competition will be organized in our college, I am going to take part in dance"

Riddhima : "Oh wow I will also take part in Painting competition."

They both were discussing about the competition.

Two weeks passed and finally the day of competition has been arrived.

On the day of competition Sejal and Riddhima met each other. Both had competition at the same time. Sejal had her dance competition and Riddhima had her painting competition.

Riddhima : "All the very best Sejal"

Sejal : "Thank you Riddhi... And you to best of luck..."

Both hugged each other and went to their allocated place for competition.

Riddhima started her painting, she was making painting of a girl whoes eyes were closed and freeing a dove from her hand.

Many people complemented her for the painting.

After four hours she finally completed her painting. Just then she saw Vansh around. And again she felt distracted, she gotten up in joy and she completely forgotten that she had color pallette in her hand. She was litrally lost in thoughts of Vansh. And it was a bang she stumbled upon someone.

She looked upward and her heart skipped a bit, he was Vansh. She couldn't control her feelings seeing him. Suddenly Vansh said in his husky voice.

Vansh : "Miss where have you lost?? Just see what have you done"

Riddhima was still lost Vansh's though and kept staring him. He again roared in anger.

Vansh : "Excuse me Miss... Please come out of your fairytale."

She awakened herself from the thoughts and saw his white shirt got all colored by her color palette.

She felt so emberessed. She said.

Riddhima : "I am so sorry, I didn't want to do this. I am really sorry."

Vansh : "Sorry... You think sorry is enough !!???"

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