Chapter 37 : Always Stand by You

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After couple of months

It's a karva chauth when married females keep fast for their husbands.
In Raisinghania mention prepation was going on. It's an early morning, sun hasn't come yet.

Riddhima came out from the washroom and started drapping sari.
Seeing her Vansh said "Oh Lord, save me."

Riddhima : "Stop it Vansh, I am already late for sargi. Don't distract me please." She was getting annoyed as in hurry she couldn't make proper pleet of her sari.

Vansh : "Let me help my princess."

He took one end of sari and started to pleeting it up. Riddhima was impressed with Vansh.

After drapping it up, he showed herself in mirror.

"So !! Is it fine?!"

Riddhima : "It's perfect, thanks Vansh. Now I have to go." She kissed him on his cheek and left the room.

Vansh was smiling seeing her.

At downstairs Anupriya was preparing sargi for Riddhima. As soon as she came, Anupriya gave her sargi.
Riddhima touched her feet.

Anupriya : "Now have your sargi, before sunrise. Ok"

Riddhima nodded. She had her sargi.

It evening in Raisinghania mention

Vansh was in kitchen, he was making something. Just then Riddhima came. She asked "What are you doing here?"

Vansh : "Making rajma, chaval and Suji halwa for my wifey." With a smiling face he said.

Riddhima : "Not bad hubby !!! By the way Dadi was saying that you didn't have your lunch."

Vansh : "Ya I was feeling like my stomach is upset."

Riddhima : "oh is it so, should I give you something or some medicine?"

Vansh : "No.. No... I am fine. You take rest."

Riddhima was feeling something fishy. She left for prepation of fast.

Riddhima was in the room. Vansh also came there. He gave her a box and asked to open it.

Riddhima : "What is this?"

Vansh : "A gift for your first karva chauth."

Riddhima was smiling, she opened the gift.

It was beautiful red sari and diamond necklace were there.

Riddhima got so happy that she hugged Vansh in joy.

Riddhima : "This is so beautiful Vansh. You are the best hubby in the world."

Vansh with a pride said "Yes I am"

Both laughed at it.

Riddhima was infront of the mirror. She was facing issue with the knot. Just then Vansh came there.

He saw Riddhima juggling with the knot.

"My wifey needs my help."

He extended his hands, he caressed her back and made knots of her sari blouse.

Then he took out necklace from the box. He delicately kept aside her long and shiney hair and made her wear the necklace.

Then he hugged her from back and kissed on her cheek.

Vansh : "You are looking so beautiful Sweety...."

Riddhima : "Thank you Vansh, now let's go moon must have risen."

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