Chapter 24 : A Garba Night

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Kabir and Sejal were conversing with each in her room.

Sejal : "But Kabir still I am not able to understand why you didn't try to make Vansh understand?"

Kabir : "What do you think Sejal I didn't try? I tried even still I am trying. I used to call him once in a week but in all these two years he never picked my call up. I am deserving for that only I am not at all hurt."

Sejal was noticing how changed this kabir is.

Kabir further continued.

"Sejal you have no idea how bad I felt. I got discharged from hospital and got to know that Vansh has given his everything to me even he called off his marriage and left for London. The moment I understood why everyone loves him. He did everything selflessly. Now I seriously want to remorse. I want my brother back I want his happiness back." He started crying after saying

Sejal pacified him and said.

"Kabir Whatever has happened was terrible but I have faith in their true love. I am sure they will definitely resolve everything."

They both had emotional moment as both wanted to make them United.


It was beautiful morning, Riddhima woke up bit late today as today no function was there in morning. She thought to seat in lawn for a while.

She got fresh and up and headed towards lawn. Karsan came to Riddhima for breakfast. She told him to bring it in lawn. He said he will bring kindly wait for a while.

She sat on the chair and gazing sun and sky. Sound of chirping birds were adding beauty in this amazing atmosphere. She was looking at her palm and was smiling seeing "V" in her palm. Just then Vansh came there after jogging.

They had an eyelock. Riddhima signed him to seat but he neglacted her. Riddhima felt bad she got up and held his hand.

"Seat" with a rightful tone

"Sorry I have some work."

"I believe you are here for marriage so you must have informed in your office. So seat."

Vansh was thinking "How dominating she is !!!"

He made cute angry face and seated infront of her.

Karsan came with tea and breakfast. He saw Vansh and said "I will bring coffee for you Bhaiya"

Vansh : "No it's ok I will have tea today."

Karsan : "Ok bhaiyya I have added ginger too." He smiled.

Riddhima served him tea.

Vansh : "Thank you."

Riddhima nodded. They both were having breakfast but none of them was vocal about.

Riddhima was cutting apple and mistakenly she cut her finger. Vansh quickly took her hand into his mouth.

"Are you mad?"

Riddhima was thinking "Still you care so much Vansh."

Vansh took out her finger. Bleeding was stopped. He was looking at the cut and he got shocked seeing "V" in her mehndi.

He thought "Who's this latter "V" ?? Has she engaged?"

But he didn't ask anything her.

Riddhima : "I am fine now."

Vansh : "Ok take care. See you around."

And he left. Riddhima understood he saw her mehndi and got panicked. She was smiling.

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