Chapter 10 : Expectation vs Reality

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Vansh was on his way to Raisinghania mention. His whole way he was thinking about the moments that he spent with Riddhima, how her each and everything affects him to the core.

"Yes Riddhima I am in love, I am in love with you. I have realised now I can't live without you, I can't even express in words how much I love you. For the first time in my life I have experienced this feeling to love someone and to be loved by someone. Very soon I will express my feelings to you my Sweetie... "

(Authors note : try to listen song
"I am in love"  from once upon a time in Mumbai, it's lyrics has done complete justice with Vansh's feelings right now.)

He was so happy that finally he gave name to the unnamed feelings. His heart won over his mind.

He reached to his home , as soon as he entered in his house his mom has been seated on the sofa and was waiting for him.

Anupriya : "So you came, it's quite early I thought you will come in morning." She was still teasing him

Vansh : "Mom please "

Anupriya : "What please common tell me her name atleast. Your mother deserves this."

Vansh : "Riddhima" he felt so shy after uttering her name.

Anupriya : "Nice name, but have you told her about your feelings?"

Vansh : "No mom"

Anupriya : "Then when Vansh??"

Vansh : "At the last day of our exam, so that we both will be free from all tension."

Anupriya hugged him.

Anupriya : "I am so happy today I haven't seen this much happiness on your face. Gold bless you beta." He kissed on his forehead.

Vansh smiled.

Vansh : "Ok mom it's quite late you also go and take rest."

Anupriya : "Ya... And you also. Good night beta."

Vansh : "Good night Mom."


Finally exams started. On the first day of exam Vansh called Riddhima in morning.

She was getting ready for the college.
Her phone rang. She saw its Vansh's call. She picked up the call.

Riddhima : "Hello.... Good morning... Vansh"

Vansh : "Good Morning beautiful. Why I feel you are scared??"

Riddhima : "Because I am." In a anxious tone.

Vansh : "Ohho no need to worry, you have prepared well. Just hold your nerves and write each answer after carefully reading of  it's question. Everything will be fine just have confidence in yourself."

Riddhima : "You are my true support system. Thanks alot Vansh."

Vansh : "No need to thanks, now Best of luck do well. I will call you evening."

Riddhima : "Ok bye Vansh."

Vansh : "Bye beautiful."


At college everyone was seated in examination Hall and waiting for paper distribution. Kabir said best of luck to Riddhima and Sejal. Both wished him the same.

One by one exams were getting over. It's been daily routine Vansh used to call in morning and evening for the update of Riddhima's exam. They couldn't meet beacuse except last paper they have all paper on alternate days.

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