Chapter 7 : The Sunset

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It was a night in Raisinghania mention Vansh was in his room and suddenly Kabir knocked his door.

Kabir : "May I come in Vansh ??"

Vansh : "Definitely, and since when do you need permission?

Kabir : "No as it's night and you might be taking rest so I asked."

Vansh : "Stop being formal, say what's the matter."

Kabir : "See Vansh... chahchu gave me details of one of the on going projects and told me to make report, I did most of it but at one place I am stuck. Can you help me with it??"

Vansh : "Yeah... Show me the file and report which you have prepared."

He showed , after an hour both preapred report of that project.

Kabir : "Thank you so much Vansh"

Vansh : "Just don't need it Kabir, anytime." He smiled

Kabir : "Ok let me take your leave it's quite late, you must take rest."

Vansh : "Ya... Definitely... Good night Kabir."

Kabir was about to leave from his room just then he saw white roses. He asked Vansh

Kabir : "If I am not mistaken you don't like roses, how can house staff do this much grave mistake."

Vansh : "House staff didn't put , I broght them"

Kabir : "Oh..." He was quite surprised.

Vansh : " I was passing by a florist and saw these roses , their color attracted me so I brought them here."

Kabir : "Oh I see...any ways good night."

He left the his room. As soon as he left Vansh said.

Vansh : God now I am lying, just opposite of my nature, what am I doing ??!!! Riddhima......!!!!! You have changed something within me....!!"

He was smiling thinking about her.


It's next day morning, both Sejal and Riddhima were in library and finding some book.

Just then Vansh came. He said

Vansh : "Hi...."

Riddhima : "Oh Hi... Good morning"

Vansh gave her notes. Just then Sejal came with some books, she was utter surprised seeing Vansh with Riddhima.

Riddhima introduced Sejal to Vansh.

Riddhima : "Vansh she is Sejal my friend and Sejal he is Vansh."

Sejal : "Hi Vansh"

Vansh : "Hi Sejal. Ummm.... so guys now I have to take you leave I have my classes , Riddhima here are your notes as I promised. Will see you around guys, bye."

Both said bye to Vansh.

Sejal asked Riddhima

Sejal : "Wow... Not bad.. Vansh's notes, how come this happened Riddhi... Please tell "

Riddhima : "Nothing much Sejal, you know I was quite upset with my grades after that I came here to find book but I couldn't get, and I was so sad, suddenly he came and we already met through that incident he said sorry for his behavior and asked me why am I upset. I told him so in not time he said he will give his notes . That's it."

Sejal : "Wow... Now none can stop you to score A+ Riddhi.." with a wink she said.

Riddhima : "Oh god Sejal... Let's go we have class too."

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