Chapter 25 : A Revelation

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Sun risen in the sky. It was a big day in Sejal's home as it's a wedding day.
Everyone was busy with work.

In her room Sejal was getting ready. Beauticians were doing her make-up.

Here in Riddhima's room she was also getting ready. She wore royal blue lehnga, wore chocker and armlet.

She did suitable make up and made her way to Sejal's home as she knew today Sejal needs her the most.

She knocked the door. Sejal was still getting ready. She complemented her.

"Sejal, you look extremely lovely."

Sejal gave her smile. After few minutes Sejal got completely ready. She asked beautician to leave and start talking with Riddhima.

Sejal : "Riddhi.. today is a last day, you have to convince Vansh anyhow."

Riddhima : "I hope he will confess truth sejal." She got bit worried.

Sejal hugged her and said.

"Don't worry , you will win Riddhi.. your love is true."

Riddhima nodded.

They were conversing just then Sejal's mother and other ladies came and said. "Groom has come, get ready Sejal, you will be called in few minutes."

Groom was seating in mandap. And priest had started rituals. Vansh was seating with other friends of Sejal. He wore cream color sherwani. He was looking heavely handsome.

Priest orders to bring bride.
After few minutes Sejal came from upstairs and Riddhima was by her side.

Vansh got awestruck by Riddhima , she was looking breath takingly beautiful. Slowly they were making their way to madap. Riddhima made her seat and went to seat near Sejal's family.

One by one rituals were getting over. Finally the moment has arrived. She was about to say bye to her family.

It was so emotional moment her mother, father and brother were crying. Even she was crying hugging them.

She came to Riddhima.

"Before going from here please resolve this, remember this will be my wedding gift." And she cried

They both cried hugging each other.

Then she came to Vansh "Vansh can I ask something?"

Vansh : "Please say Sejal."

Sejal : "Don't hide anything and don't hurt her, please."

Vansh couldn't decide what to answer her. But as  she was going he just nodded.

Kabir was also standing there.

Sejal : "Kabir I am going, now you have to come in picture. If today Vansh won't confess his truth to Riddhi.. then you please go to Riddhi and tell her everything. Please unite them."

She was crying. Kabir hugged her and said "Sejal I will make them one , you don't worry. Please trust me. You go and just don't worry ok.."

With a heavy heart everyone said bye to Sejal.


Riddhima was in her room. She was sad because of Sejal's bidai. She was still crying.

Suddenly she felt someone has put hand on her shoulder. She turned around and she felt extremely emotional, he was Vansh.

She quickly gotten up and hugged him. After their breakup first time Vansh hugged her back. Both felt the same warmth of each other.

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