Chapter 22 : Old Flames

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After a month in Newzealand.

Riddhima was packing her bags. Apparently Sejal's words were echoing in her mind.

"Was she right?? Should I make a try to know the truth?"

She was dwelled in all these thoughts and she received her mother's call.

Riddhima : "Hi mumma"

Prerna : "Hi beta, how are you? You know we are very happy that you are coming back."

Riddhima : "Ya Mumma, how's papa?"

Prerna : "He is fine, he went for some work."

Riddhima : "Now listen mumma, I didn't get much leave so I will reached straightly to Ahmedabad and from there I will come to Pune."

Prerna : "Ok.. but come soon beta, it's been so long seeing you." She was about to cry but somehow controlled herself.

Riddhima : "Ok Mumma, call you tomorrow. And I have flight early in the morning so will message you once I'll board a flight."

Prerna : "Ok beta. Take care."

Riddhima : "Ok Mumma, you too."

They put the phone down.


In London.

Vansh was packing his stuffs. Suddenly a thought came to his mind.

"What if Riddhima will be there? How would I be able to control myself!!??"

Then again he made himself firm and said.

"I have to be firm by my decision no matter what, I can't let that happen."

He received call from Kabir. His eyes gone red reading his name. He cut his call.

It's not new in these two years Vansh neither called Kabir nor received his call. He gave him his everything but never forgave him.


Next day morning in Newzealand.

Riddhima was heading towards airport. She finished all the formalities and boarded flight for Ahmedabad.

"After two years I will meet Sejal. But what if Vansh would also be there."

She  got bit worried as still his thoughts affected her.

In all these thoughts she fell asleep. And flight was making its way to her destiny.


A day of journey in London.

Vansh was at airport. He was reading magazine as flight was half an hour late. Suddenly an advertisement in magazine drove his attention.

"It was a beautiful couple watch."

He remembered an incident.

Flash back was shown Vansh and Riddhima were passing by a shop.

"Vansh see that watch. It's so beautiful. Imagine we both wearing same watch."

It was beautiful couple watch.

Vansh : "You liked it?"

Riddhima : "So much!!"

Vansh : "Ok will buy."

Riddhima said yes.. and hugged him him.

"All passangers travelling to Ahmedabad are requested to head towards gate no A 11"

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