Chapter 27 - Ring Ceremony

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At the airport both families were discussing about ring ceremony.

Dev : "Mr. Malay and Prerna ji, we will arrange everything. You come with Riddhima and your relatives. Because we know it is in quite short notice but now we don't want to wait more. I hope you both are understanding our feelings."

Malay : "The feeling is mutual Mr. Dev we also can't wait to make Vansh our son. We will be there for ceremony." He smiled.

While both parents were discussing about the arrangements and rituals Vansh dragged Riddhima to a side.

Riddhima : "What are you doing? Our parents are discussing about our engagement and you dragged me here??"

Vansh : "Sssh... See I have something for you."

Riddhima : "Is it an attempt to cover up your mistake?" She said in teasing tone.

Vansh : "No definitely not. This was due on me."

And he showed her a box. And signed her to open it.

She was astonished seeing the same couple watch which she wanted years ago.

Riddhima : "You still remember it?"

Vansh : "How can I forget anything which you have demanded for."

Riddhima was on cloud nine by getting Vansh and his love back.

Just then Anupriya came.

Anupriya : "Vansh !! Common let's go now. And don't trouble her."

Riddhima : "No mumma he wasn't troubling me."

Anupriya : "Oh obviously not. How can I say anything to your Vansh right !!! Beta.." she was teasing Riddhima.

Riddhima felt shy.

Anupriya : "Jokes apart beta, now we all have to leave. I do understand you both don't want to but as lots of preparations are yet to complete. And Vansh leave her hand beta or else she won't be able to leave."

Both felt so shy. They started moving towards car. Just then Vansh asked to Malay.

Vansh : "Papa can I drop Riddhima home? Please"

Everyone was laughing.

Dev : "Malay ji please say yes or else I have fear that Vansh will capture her." He was also laughing.

Upon hearing this everyone started to laugh. Malay said

Malay : "Ok beta no issue."

All were seated into their respective car. Vansh made Riddhima to seat in the car and he sat on driving seat.

Car started and made its way to the home.

Vansh held and kissed her hand.

Vansh : "I got my life back. My princess."

A tear drop slipped from her eye.

Vansh : "Please don't cry princess, otherwise I will never be able to forgive myself for your tears."

Riddhima : "Vansh now you will not going to leave me... If that will happen again I will surely kill myself."

Vansh : "Riddhima... " In an anxious tone.

And put his hand onto her mouth.

It was a slient moment when two heart shared each other's thoughts. They didn't need words to express their love. Their eyes were enough to emote it.

In all these thoughts Riddhima's home came.

Vansh : "So it came."

Riddhima : "Yes. But tomorrow is our dat. And most importantly it's our Ring Ceremony." She was extremely happy.

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