Chapter 32 : Haldi Ceremony

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A morning in Raisinghania mention

Prepation of haldi ceremony was going on. Anupriya and chanchal were preparing for Vansh's haldi.

Vansh was getting ready in his room. He wore yellow kurta. He was so happy because after haldi he was going to meet Riddhima.

Anupriya : "Chanchal !! Is Evey done ?? Then we should call Vansh for ritual."

Chanchal : "Yes Didi everything is ready. We can start haldi now."

Anupriya : "Siya !! Please go and see whether he is ready or not??"

Siya went to Vansh's room and asked him to come downstairs for ritual.

Vansh came downstairs, Anupriya made him seat at allotted place. They began haldi ritual.

First of all Anupriya applied haldi to Vansh and wished for his happy married life. Then chanchal perform the ritual. One by one everyone applied haldi to Vansh.

Finally ishani and siya came with whole bowl in their hand.

Siya and ishaani said "Bhai get ready !!"

They applied whole bowl of haldi to Vansh. Vansh got so irritated as they made him all yellow. He screamed and in return he also applied haldi to siya and ishaani.

All were laughing seeing them. At last Kabir came and applied haldi to Vansh and wished him "Bhai may you get all the happiness"

Vansh smiled and said "Definitely and I wish the same for you " he also applied haldi to Kabir.

At Raisinghania mention everyone was in happy mood. Haldi ritual completed with joy and happiness.

Then Dadi said "Vansh now you go and take bath."

He nodded and left for his room.

Meanwhile Anupriya was preparing haldi for Riddhima. She told Kabir "Kabir !! You take this haldi. This is for Riddhima , so that they can also start their ritual."

Kabir : "Yes Chahchi, I'l be leaving in a while."

Anupriya : "Ok."

Just then Vansh came downstairs and about to leave from mention. Seeing him going out Anupriya said "Vansh !! Where are you going?"

Vansh : "To meet Riddhima"

Anupriya : "What!! No way you can't go"

Vansh : "Why?? She's going to be my wife. Why can't I go??"

Anupriya : "Vansh, haldi has already been applied to you. Now you can't go outside till your marriage."

Vansh : "What nonsense is that!! Mom I don't believe all these and I am going"

Anupriya got annoyed but Dadi pacified anupriya and told Vansh " Beta we know you don't believe in all these but we do and when we are obeying all the customes of marriage then we must obey this too."

Vansh : "I don't care Dadi."

He fumed in anger and rushed to his room and locked the door.

Anupriya being so worried and annoyed said "Who will say he is going to get married, he's behaving like a child."

Just then Kabir said " Chahchi I will talk to him. Just relax and I am going to give this haldi just give me few minutes, I am sure bhai will understand this too."

They nodded. Kabir came to his room and knocked. But Vansh didn't open the door.

Kabir : "Please Bhai open it. See I have a solution." He said in quite low tone.

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