Chapter 12 : I Love You

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At the ball Room:

Kabir was devasted that Riddhima left him alone. He came to Sejal and asked

Kabir : "Have you seen Riddhima around?"

Sejal : "No"

Kabir : "Are you upset with anything?"

Sejal : "Yes, you know everyone was right Vansh is highly arrogent, he literally jerked me out and left." She was quite sad because of his behavior.

Kabir : "He is like that only, now leave all that thing, let's have dance."

Sejal : "I have no mood, I am going to home."

She left with sad face. And Kabir felt all alone thinking where Riddhima has gone.


Here Vansh and Riddhima reached to an unknown place. It was all dark , Riddhima was quite frightened that what will Vansh do now.

Vansh off from his car and opened door for Riddhima.

Vansh : "Come out from the car."

Riddhima : "I feel frightened" she was bit panicked

Vansh : "Still trust is missing and you wanted answer of your question." He laughed sarcastically.

Riddhima : "You know what, you are way unpredictable and arrogant. None can be with you, beacuase of your such nature."

Vansh : "You have to come out whether you want it or not."

He held her hand and forcibly off her from the car. Her heart was beating faster , she was thinking "Now what is in his mind"

Just then Vansh started to lit candles. One by one he lit many candles. In the dim light of candles Riddhima saw it was a lake side. A beautiful table was decorated with red roses.

The scent of a candles wafted through the air. Riddhima was puzzled about this setup.

Vansh held her hand made his way to the table. He sat on his knee and said.

Vansh : "I Love You."

Riddhima couldn't believe that it's dream or Reality. Vansh again said

Vansh : "I Love You so much Riddhima !!! "

He extended his hand towards her. She held his hand and made him got up.

Riddhima : "I am sorry." She was about to cry

Vansh : "What ??!!! No This should not be your answer" He smile.

Riddhima after holding his hand.

Riddhima : "I Love You too Vansh, I love you so so much."

She started crying after her confession.

Vansh hugged her. She hugged him back and crying inconsolabliy.

Vansh : "I believe You will be the First one who is crying after love confession."

Riddhima : "No Vansh it's not like that.  I am the reason of your grief, I am the one who hurt you badly."

Vansh Saw into her eyes and said

Vansh : "Listen Riddhima , I was wrong too, but it's my trait that I can't think anything when I am out of my control. And this I have planned yesterday, but..."

Riddhima : "But because of my stupidity everything got ruined."

Vansh : "Who said that !!! Now stop crying, you know I can't see you crying."

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