Chapter 13 : Shopping

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Car was on its way to Riddhima's home. As soon as they reached her home before getting off Vansh asked Riddhima.

Vansh : "Riddhima ! Please send mobile number of Sejal."

Riddhima was surprised enough.

Riddhima : "Now enough is enough Vansh. I accept that she is my best friend but that doesn't mean you will take her name all the time." She got bit frustrated

Vansh : "Oh common Sweety !!! By the way jealousy suits you." He winked

Riddhima was still frustrated.

Vansh : "Listen to me...Sweety, actually when Kabir was about to kiss you I got so angry and jerked her out. And couldn't compile my behavior. So want to say sorry , trust me nothing else ok..."

Riddhima : "Oh so you have seen. Well I must say jealousy suits you too... " She also winked.

Vansh leaned towards her and said

Vansh : "Why didn't you slap him??"

Riddhima : "Vansh what are you saying??"

Vansh : "Riddhima I can't share you with anyone, I am making you aware about one of my traits that I am way possessive."

Riddhima : "Oh my God !! Mr Possessive Raisinghania, well no worries I am of Vansh only and I can't slap him as he is my friend. But you don't worry I will talk to him about this."

Vansh : "Ok so we will meet tomorrow. Bye sweety, and take care of yourself... I love you alot"

Riddhima : "Bye Vansh, I love you too. Come soon. " She smiled.

She off from the car and entered in her house. Vansh left for his home.


It was a beautiful morning where Riddhima woke up with Vansh's thoughts. She got fresh and up and went to table for breakfast.

Prerna : "Good morning beta, so how was the prom?"

Riddhima : "Was good mumma. Papa left for office?"

Prerna : "Yes he has some important work in office."

Riddhima : "Ok."

Prerna : "Beta today we are going to shopping mall, as I have to buy some house hold stuff. And your papa told me to buy something for you as well." She smiled

Riddhima : "Wow mumma... Thanks alot." She hugged her in happiness.

Prerna : "Now go and get ready. Today we will have lunch out."

Riddhima : "Mumma you are the best."

Prerna : " Now go... And get ready super fast ok."

Riddhima went to get ready. As soon as she got ready she received Vansh's call. She picked up the call.

Riddhima : "Hi Vansh !!"

Vansh : "Wow !! Someone is very happy, Please tell me that I am the reason."

Riddhima : "Nah... Shopping is the reason."

Vansh : "Huh !! Typical girlish thing. "

Riddhima : "I don't care about your opinion, my mumma is taking me for the shopping." She has tickle in her voice.

Vansh : "By the way where you both are going??"

Riddhima : "I won't tell you.."

Vansh : "You know, you have made me the spy of yours. Each time I am getting assignment either to track you or to find your details." He said with cute anger

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