Chapter 16 : A Step Towards Dream

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After graduation Vansh got busy in his business and Riddhima was busty in her final year. Somehow they always manage to meet each other. They understood the reality that distance has made them even more closer to each other.

Riddhima's final year was about to complete. Campus placements were also started. It was a day before Riddhima's interview in an reputed MNC. She was preparing for the interview.

Her phone rang. He was Vansh. Riddhima picked his call.

Riddhima : "Hi Vansh."

Vansh : "Hi Riddhima. So how are you my princess??? Missing me??"

Riddhima : "Is it possible that I can't miss you. But as you have told me that this is also momentarily so I am coping up with this."

Vansh : "Wow !!! My cute little princess has become mature now."

Riddhima : "Vansh!! Tomorrow is my interview, please come to meet me."

Vansh : "This job is yours only. Just hold your nerves and go for it."

Riddhima : "It means you will not come to meet me??" She got bit sad.

Vansh : "Sweety !! I am bit busy in some prepation."

Riddhima : "Which kind of preparation??"

Vansh : "That is a big surprise for you. So I can't make it possible but Just don't worry. Everything is gonna be alright."

Riddhima : "But I need you."

Vansh : "Princess !!!  I am always there for you but you have to prepare yourself so that if any day you land up in any trouble and I wouldn't be there, then also you would be able to handle that."

Riddhima : "I don't need your preach, I need you."

Vansh : "Princess... Believe me you will crack this definitely. Now just focus on your interview I will call you tomorrow to hear good news from you." He smiled.

Riddhima : "Ok Vansh... Bye good night.."

Vansh : "Good night princess.."


Next day Riddhima decked up for the interview. She was constantly remembering what Vansh has told her.

She got into the room for interview. She gave interview with full confidence. After her interview Interviewers were discussing about her with each other.

Finally they selected her for the job. She said thank you to all the interviewers and left the room.

As soon as she left from the room she called Vansh first.

Upon attending her call Vansh said.

Vansh : "Congratulations... My princess...!!!"

Riddhima : "You are phenomenal Vansh, and yes thanks alot for everything."

Vansh : "I told you it's yours only."

Riddhima : "Please come Vansh,  want to give you tight hug."

Vansh :  "Yes Sweety I am coming."

Riddhima : "When!???" She has been so impatient to meet him.

Vansh : "Tonight !!! Happy now??"

Riddhima : "Please come fast it's been so long I have met you !!" Corner of her eyes got wet.

Vansh : "Coming princess...please smile now and now call you parents they must be exreamly happy with this news."

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