Stray Kids- Chased

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12 year old Y/n!

Y/n's Pov..

I was skateboarding home from school since I finally convinced my brothers to let me skate home just for today. My friends couldn't come with me so I was alone. I was skating until Yeolsung, Daesung, and Seojun came up to me. They are the a year above me. I'm in 7th grade for now while they are in 8th.

Me: Leave me alone. I'm trying to get home.

Yeolsung: Oh you're not going anywhere.

They grabbed my hands and started to drag me. I kicked Yeolsung in his child producer, and I got up and started skating away. They skated after me and I had to take a detour to my house to distract them. I went into an alleyway and I skated there to try and lose them but they wouldn't.

Me: Shoot, shoot, shoot.

I skated faster as I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and it was Jisung.

Jisung: Love, where are you? It doesn't take that long to get home.

Me: I can't talk right now, I'll explain when I get home.

Jisung: What do you mean? Y/n, don't you dare hang up on m-

I hung up on him and continued skating in alleyways and parks, and the market. They were still after me, and gaining.

Me: What do you guys even want?!

Yeolsung: Nothing! You're a just a target!

I skated and skated until I eventually landed in a dead end. They went in front of me and Seojun took my skateboard. Daesung pushed me to the ground as Yeolsung sat on my stomach and slapped me.

Me: Get the hell off me!

Yeolsung: You either be quiet or it gets worse.

Me: No get off me!

I punched him in the nose and he fell off me and onto Seojun. I took my skateboard and began to run as they chased me once again.

Time skip- At home.

It's been another half an hour, and I finally made it home but they were still chasing me. I was in my driveway and they were a block away. I quickly ran into the house and slammed the door. All the brothers were there. I was breathing heavily with tears coming out of my eyes.

Chan: Baby girl, what the hell?! Why did you-

Me: I was being chased.

Chan: Jeongin, go get her some water, please.

Jeongin ran to the kitchen as I kneeled on the floor. Everyone else kneeled next to me. The doorbell rang.

Me: No, shoot! That's them, the people who chased me. Hyung, please... Make them go away.

Chan: If I whistle, you guys come out.

Jisung: Ok, Chan hyung.

Changbin dried my tears and moved my hair out of my face. Jeongin gave me water and I chugged it down.

3rd Person Pov...

Chan answered the door and stepped outside.

Chan: Can I help you three?

He spoke to Yeolsung, Daesung, and Seojun coldly.

Seojun: We're friends of Y/n, sir.

Chan: Really? She came here telling us you were chasing her. Mind giving me an reason on why you were.

Yeolsung: Of course she told you. She's just a little girl with too much protection.

Chan: Say that again I dare you. We're protective of her because she's all we have.

Daesung: We could hurt you, you know. There's three of us and only one of you.

Chan whistled and on cue, the 7 other brothers came out. Changbin holding a bb gun.

Changbin: Think again. There's eight of us and three of you. Plus a bb gun.

Jeongin: Now you can either leave and never bother our sister again, or you can face the consequences.

Minho: What's it going to be?

The three youger boys instantly ran away as Stray Kids went inside to check on their baby.

Y/n Pov...

They came in and Chan sat on my right side as Changbin sat of my left side. I broke down crying..

Chan: What's wrong, baby girl? It's ok they're gone..

Me: It was scary. I don't want to skate home ever again. I want you guys to pick me up.

Jisung: We can all agree that she's not allowed to skateboard home, right?

Minho: Definitely..

Felix: We don't need anymore people chasing her.

Chan: From now on, one of us will pick her up.

Me: I love you guys.

Chan kissed my nose.

Chan: We love you too, baby girl.

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