Jisung- When?

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13 year old Y/n!

Y/n's Pov...

Lately, people at school have been targeting me for some reason. Something about wanting attention? I honestly don't know.

I was now writing in my journal about the situation. It was just a journal where I write my thoughts once in a while, so not a whole lot like a diary.

All of a sudden I had gotten hungry, so I went downstairs to make me some noodles.

Jisung's Pov...

Something is going on with Y/n, i can feel it in my gut. Also because she's been quiet for a couple days.

I decided to check her room, since she just went out.

I saw her journal on her bed, and decided that it was the easiest thing to check right now. I looked through and read her latest writing.

'Girls at school have been targeting me for no reason the past week. They say all I want is attention, and I just want everybody hung up on me. I don't know where they got this idea, but it's not my intention.-'

Y/n's Pov...

I decided that instead of noodles, I wanted cookies.

I got my cookies that were recently made by Minho, and Chan. I went back into my room to see Jisung on my bed, holding my journal?

Me: Hyung, what are you doing?

Jisung: You've been hiding this from us? You've been being targeted at school for a week? When did this start?!

Me: Why are you going through my stuff?! It's none of your business, whether I'm being targeted or not, I can handle it!

Jisung: Little one, I checked because i was concerned! I knew something has been up!

Me: You don't need to be concerned! Get out!

I was on the verge of crying.

Jisung: Baby, talk to me. What's going on?

Me: I don't want to talk! Go!

He went out.

It's been a few days later, and I haven't been out of my room, unless we were going to eat, or unless I had school.

I was just listening to music and playing computer games when someone came in. I looked and it was Jisung.

Jisung: Can we talk?

I took my earbuds out and set my computer aside.

Me: What's up?

Jisung: I'm sorry I looked through your personal things. I sensed that something was wrong and I tried to help.

Me: I'm sorry also. I don't want to keep secrets. I was just sad, and I really don't mind if you look through my things.

Jisung: But that's not all. I wanted to talk to you about those girls.

I looked down, and he lifted my face using his finger under my chin.

Jisung: You can talk to me.

Me: Those girls... They think I want attention.

I started to sniffle.

Me: They said that I just want all eyes on me since I'm on the boys basketball team, and since all eight of you are my brothers.

A tear came out my eye.

Me: I didn't do anything to them.

Jisung cupped face and pulled me into his embrace.

Jisung: Sweetheart, I need you to tell the rest. We can help you, and we will.

Me: I will, Sungie hyung. I promise. Thank you. I'm sorry for yelling at you.

Jisung: It's okay, little one. You want to get some food? Maybe some pizza? Burger?

I nodded and we went out for pizza.

I was still crying a little bit and Jisung tried his best to make me laugh.

It was at one point he kissed me all over my face. My forehead nose, and cheeks.

I broke out laughing.

Me: Hyung!

Jisung: I'm not going to stop until you tell me you'll smile!

He kissed my face a few more times and I gave in.

Me: Okay, okay! I'll smile, I promise.

He stopped and hugged me.

Me: I love you, hyung.

Jisung: I love you too, little one.

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