Jeongin- Safe

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1 year old Y/n!

Author's Pov...

Jeongin had been a little jealous of Y/n lately. She's been getting all the attention from their parents and from the brothers.

Y/n was on their parents bed, playing with her hands. Jeongin had went inside to see her. He sat next to her, as she rolled over.

Jeongin: What do they see in you? I know you're a baby but.. It doesn't make sense.

Y/n kept rolling over until eventually she almost rolled off the bed.

Jeongin's spidey senses kicked in and he quickly went to the other side of the bed, catching Y/n before she fell on the cold, hard floor.

Jeongin began to cry. His baby sister could've been seriously hurt, considering she's just a baby.

Y/n saw Jeongin crying and she began to cry too.

Jeongin: Mom! Mom, come quick!

Their mom ran into the room to see her 2 youngest kids crying together on the floor.

Mom: What happened?

Jeongin: She- she fell, I saved her! I don't know it happened so fast!

Jeongin stood up and layed down on the bed, putting Y/n beside him.

Their mom was smiling as she saw them bonding as they should be.

Jeongin: I'll keep you safe. I promise.

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