Felix- Flu Shots

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7 year old Y/n!

Y/n's Pov....

Today we were going to the doctor. I wasn't happy because I wanted to stay home and listen to music with Changbin.

Chan: Alright, guys, today we will be getting our shots.

Shots. Oh no. No, no, no.

We wanted the doctors office, and I sneaked away from everybody. I began to cry.

Author's Pov...

Meanwhile with Stray Kids...

Chan: Nine please.

Chan counted everybody and he didn't see his Y/n.

Chan: Where's Y/n?

Jisung: What do you m- wait, you're right. Where is she?

Jeongin looked to the opposite hall, and there she was walking away.

Jeongin: She's over there!

Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin went after her.

Y/n's Pov...

I looked back to see Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Felix following me.

Felix: Squirt, come on, you need to get your shot.

Me: No!

I began to run away, but unfortunately Felix was quicker and he picked me up, walking towards the others.

Me: No! I don't want to!

I began to scream a little and cry even more.

He sat down and held me tight, as I tried to squirm out of his grip. Yeah, it didn't work.

Me: No! I'm scared!

Felix: Listen, squirt, I know you're brave. Can you be brave for a couple seconds? I promise we will go out for ice cream, yeah?

I nodded as he wiped my tears.

The doctor came out and he began to give my brothers shots. Sooner than later, I was next.

Felix: It's okay, squirt.

I hid my head into his chest, and the doctor gave me a shot. Surprisingly, I don't feel anything.

We were now leaving the doctor, and we were getting ice cream!

Felix: See, squirt, that wasn't so bad, hm?

I nodded, and he kissed my head.

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