Minho- You Scared Her pt.2

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Sad ending AU.

So last chapter is what actually happened, but this is what the sad ending would be. I wrote this for a friend, as we were both feeling sad.

Y/n's Pov...

I just made it home, and Minho was sitting on the couch.

Minho: Princess! Let's talk.

Me: I don't want to talk!

Minho: Y/n, please. Love, you know I love you.

Me: Then why would you say that!

I went to my room and I began to put my stuff in my backpack.

I went out of the front door, Minho following me.

Minho: Y/n, stop! Y/n!

I saw a car racing towards me. It was too late.

Author's Pov...

As Y/n got hit. She screamed.

Minho: Y/n! Chan hyung!

Chan hustled out of the house to see his baby girl bleeding. Minho kneeled by her side, trying to wake her up.

Minho: Princess, please wake up! You can't leave me, you can't leave us! Please don't leave us!

Chan kneeled down, and checked her pulse. Tears rushed out of his eyes as he felt nothing.. No pulse. No heartbeat. Nothing.

Chan: She's dead... She's gone.

Minho: No! No, she's not! She can't leave!

They hugged their dead sister, crying.

Chan: Call the others. Maybe we can still save her, we have to go to the hospital.

As Minho called his brothers, Chan was driving to the hospital.

A couple hours later, all the brothers were at the hospital crying their eyes out. Minho was blaming himself for everything, repeating the words, " It's all my fault."

Dr. Son: The family members of Y/n?

They all stood up in an instant.

Chan: Is she okay?

Dr. Son: I'm sorry. We tried everything we could. She's gone.

Minho: No! It can't be!

Changbin: Can we see her?

Dr. Son: Room 8.

They ran towards her room, and opened the door. They saw their beautiful, loved sister, pale, no life in her.

Minho: I'm sorry! It's all my fault!

Jisung: Hyung, no.

They all kneeled down at her bed, eyes bloodshot red.

Chan: Baby girl... We love you.

They all placed a kiss on her forehead.

When hours were over, they refused to leave their sister. They stayed.

The funeral was the most depressing thing they had ever been to. Crying, screaming, and pleading could be heard from the brothers saying, " No! She can't leave us!", " I want to go with her!", and " Let me go with her!"

Years later, everyone was still depressed. Nobody had gotten partners. It was as if their world ended.

Y/n was their world.


Super sorry if I made you cry. I cried myself writing this hehe. Just reminding you all that this is just an alternate universe. Y/n is still alive, the brothers are still happy. I wanted to write a sad ending even though I hate them, because a friend was also feeling sad, and she wanted a sad ending.

So don't be sad, Y/n is still alive!

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