1. 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦

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"Mother please, If you take one more photo of me the flash will give me permanent eye damage." It was the first day of school at Hogwarts. My mother had decided first day photos were crucial, and so here I was in my garden at my home in London, uncomfortably posing. Back at Beauxbatons, I excelled in each of my classes, and when it came to academics, I was usually on top of my shit. I never quite made any friends there, though. Small harsh encounters with particular people eventually guided me into being fully to myself, which definitely brought my social life to a level zero. It didn't help that for a great deal of my childhood I moved back and forth from France to England. Whilst the rest of the girls spoke perfect French in their accents, I would slur my words and slip into my English accent.

Part of me was extremely happy I was forced to leave, but the reasoning behind it is something I don't think i'll ever be able to happily live with. All I was thinking about was a fresh start at Hogwarts.

Anyway, I was never fond of the girls there. I'd only had one proper friend in my life, Vivienne, whom I met at a family members wedding at age 5. 

"My Scarlet, I can't believe how much you've grown," My mother sniffed. "Reckon you wont have any trouble with the boys at Hogwarts, isn't that right my love?" She gestured to my father and grabbed his arm. My father, being the protective person he is, automatically tensed up.

"I certainly hope not" he glared. "If any male tries to take advantage of you-"

"Dad! I really can take care of myself, trust me. Plus, I doubt i'll even be interested in anybody over there- i'm strictly there for my studies" I tried to calm him down, and honestly, I wasn't lying either. I had always been a hopeless romantic, but it would be difficult to see myself in a loving relationship when nobody there would understand my past. Nobody would know how hard it is to have blood on your hands. I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned back to my father, who was deciding whether he should believe me or not. He had a tendency of overreacting at the smallest things, but part of me understands. I am his only child after all.

"Very well then. Arabella, love, we must be on our way now" He said as he gave my mother a kiss and started to make his way to the shiny black car in the lot. I went in and hugged my mom when she cleared her throat. "Scarlet. I want to tell you something before you go off." she whispered. I eyed her curiously. "What is it?"

"Please remember that your past mistake does not make you a bad person. You are still my little girl. Have fun, talk to boys if you really want to. Merlin- talk to girls if you want to!" she sighed. "I love you so much, Scar. I absolutely do."

I held back tears as I hugged her again. "I love you so much mom." She gave me a reassuring smile and guided me into the black car where my father was waiting. I stared out of the window as it started to make its way out of my driveway. The only thing on my mind was my mothers comforting words,

Your past mistake does not make you a bad person.


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