27. 𝘐 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶

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The library was dimly lit by the candle's each person held with them, which happened to be a low number of people today. I looked up at the clock, noticing it was already 9:20pm, just 40 minutes before curfew and Filch's frantic cries of children being out of bed. I continued writing letters to my parents, leaving out the part of me and Draco officially getting together. If I were going to tell them, it would be in person. Draco is too special to be introduced through a piece of paper.

I smiled at the thought of him sound asleep right now in his bed. I wish he could've been here with me instead, but he needed the sleep. I was taken out of my happy thoughts as I saw a figure standing far next to me from the corner of my eye. I snapped my head in the direction and came face to face with Harry. 

"Oh, you scared me" I adjusted myself back into my seat and sighed. Out of all people, why did it have to be Harry to see me right now? "Sorry" he quickly mumbled. "What are you doing here so late?" he said after a few moments of awkward silence. I lifted the envelopes on my desk and waved them in the air, "Writing." Harry nodded slowly and stayed quiet. Suddenly, I felt like shit for treating him this way. I remembered that in less than two weeks he would be participating in the tournament, and to make things worse, people weren't treating him the best at the moment. "Harry's a cheat" made its way around the school like wildfire, he didn't deserve any of that.  "I'm sorry" I shook my head. "What? Sorry for what?" he narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to my desk. 

"Treating you like garbage. I just.. I don't know why I expected you to be happier about me and Draco, you have no reason to be. It's stupid" I said quietly. Harry's lips curled into a small frown as he sat in the empty seat at my table. "This is about him?" he stared blankly ahead. "Of course it is, Harry" I ran a hand through my hair. 

"He's a horrible person, Scarlet. Why can't you see that?" he looked directly at me now. I narrowed my eyes at him and before I knew it, I was extremely defensive. "He. Is. Not. A. Horrible. Person. He's the best guy I know" I spat. Harry rolled his eyes and scoffed. "And what happens when he decides he's tired of you? Then what?" 

I silently crossed my arms, furrowing my eyebrows. What the hell was wrong with Harry? I didn't ever want to think of the probability of Draco being the exact person everybody always said he was. I knew things about him nobody else did, that had to count for something. Right? "Reckon he's asked you to the Yule Ball then too" Harry continued, this time quieter. 

"Obviously" I kept my focus straight ahead of me. "And what, you said yes?" I looked directly at him and narrowed my eyes. "Obviously" I pointed at my necklace. 

Harry let out a bitter laugh and looked at me in disbelief. "Bloody hell, Scarlet. You've got so many options, and you settle for Malfoy?" This struck a nerve. "Who are my options then, Harry?! Tell me, I'm beyond interested" I raised my voice sarcastically, clenching my fists together. "Lets see, Cedric, Blaise, every single boy in Hogwarts" Harry said simply. "Hell, Me!" he threw his hands up in the air. He was now frustrated, muttering curse words to himself. I looked up at him slowly in disbelief. Harry Potter fancied me? 

"Harry.." I started. "I know what you're going to say" he cut me off quickly. "Shut up and listen, Harry. I'm speaking." He widened his eyes and stayed silent. "I'm going to say this once. I'm sorry, but It's not going to happen. It's Draco, Harry. It's always going to be him" a moment of complete silence passed. "Is there.. any way we can remain friends?" I raised my eyebrows hopefully, looking directly into his eyes. "Mhm. I'd like that" he nodded. "Good" I cleared my throat.

"But just know," he got up from his seat, "If you ever change your mind.. I'm here" he slowly turned his head and walked away from me, leaving me completely shocked. I packed up my things, replaying the conversation in my head a million times. I abruptly left the library, heading the opposite way to the dungeons. "And what happens when he decides he's tired of you? Then what?" rung through my mind. What if Harry was right? Maybe I didn't know Draco at all. What if he did this to every girl, and I was just another piece in his game.


I held back a few stupid tears as I barged into the common room, desperately wanting to sleep this off. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I saw Draco sitting right on the couch. 

"Hey, Amortentia" he smiled brightly. "I thought you were sleeping" I said quietly, forcing a small smile out. "I tried, was unsuccessful though" he shrugged, studying my face. "Is everything okay?" he stood up, slowly walking toward me. "I'm tired, Draco" I sighed. "Can I just go to sleep?" I looked up at him.

"No. You're not going to sleep upset, who do you think I am?" Suddenly, he lifted me up and sat me on the couch next to him, turning so that he was fully facing me. "I could've literally just walked there" I let out a laugh. Draco always knew how to be extra. "I know" he smirked, "but you're so little. I love doing that." I smiled and shook my head, internally praying that he'd forgotten about asking me what was wrong. 

As if he read my mind, "Now tell me" he waited patiently for my response, looking at me directly. If I were to not tell him now, it would only build up to become a bigger issue in the future. I've read too many romance novels where the protagonist decided to keep things from her boyfriend, I was not going to make that same mistake. I shifted on the couch, getting into my most comfortable position and took a deep breath. "I had an.. interesting conversation with Harry." 

"Potter? What did he say? I'll knock his teeth ou-" Draco started. "No! You won't, because it's not that big of a deal" I tried calming him down, which semi-worked. "It's a big deal to me if its bothering you" he narrowed his eyes at me, "What did he say?" he questioned again.

"He confessed his feelings toward me" I said slowly, hoping that Draco wouldn't be too angry. To my surprise, he remained still, looking directly into my eyes. "And what did you say?" he said calmly, his cold glare piercing right through me. "I said it was never going to happen" I instantly responded. His glare softened and he took my hand in his, stroking his thumb against it. "Exactly. So, whats upsetting you?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

I sighed and looked down, thinking about if I should just end the conversation there and escape, but Draco definitely would not let that happen. "Harry doesn't think you're serious about me either" I kept my eyes glued to the floor. "Hah!" Draco scoffed "And you believe Potter? Really?" I looked at him, seeing a large smile on his face. Instead of laughing along with him, I furrowed my eyebrows and took a deep breath. "I.. don't know" my voice was quiet. 

His face quickly fell into a pained expression, and my heart ached just seeing it. "I've never done this before," I began. "Being in a relationship is difficult on its own but, with you.." I shrugged, closing my eyes shut. "You're too perfect. It scares me." I let my emotions pour out completely. How could somebody like Draco, who hasn't had the best reputation, change his ways for somebody like me? It made no sense to me. 

"Scarlet," he shook his head slowly, a smirk laying on his lips. He brought his hand to my jaw, and moved my face so that I was making direct eye contact with him. "I love you." 

My eyes widened, and I slowly started to smile as well. "I love you too" I said without hesitation. He brought his face closer to mine and planted a soft kiss on my lips, which I returned. "So," he pulled me down so that my head was now on his chest, "Don't listen to a thing Potter or anybody else says. Please." 

"I won't" I said quietly. "Good night, Draco." he kissed the top of my head and started to stroke my hair softly, "Sweet dreams, babe." I couldn't get this stupid smile off of my face for the life of me.

Those three words were the only confirmation I'd ever need. 


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