11. 𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘦𝘴

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The silence in the room pained me more than i'd like to admit. I sat at my mirror and started to wipe my mascara off, Vivienne and Pansy sitting behind me quietly. I decided the silence wasn't going to break itself and spoke up. "Vivienne, would you mind passing me the hairbrush please?" I turned to her.

"If i'd known you would only need me for hairbrushes, I wouldn't have been so excited to see you" she spat while coldly glaring at me. This sparked up Pansy's attention. "Don't be such a bitch, she asked you for a hair brush not for a million galleons" she stood up at got the brush herself. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the argument that was about to break out. Vivienne could never opt out of one, not if there was a wand to her head. 

"Me, a bitch?" Vivienne gasped. "Yes, a bitch, a downright foul and jealous bitc-"

"Pansy! Enough. Please. Can I talk to Viv alone?" I looked up at her longingly. She puffed and stormed off into the common room, and i'd assumed she was going to tell Draco all about the encounter. I turned to Vivienne and saw a tear escape her eye. I instantly sat next to her and tried to hold her hand, but she pushed me off. "What is it then, Scar? What changed?" her voice was now growing in desperation. "Vivienne. I don't know how to start this," I looked down at my feet. "I don't feel the same way I did last year. Everything changed, Viv." 

"This is about Draco isn't it?" she spat. She was unbelievable. Me and her hadn't even dated, I told her multiple times before I didn't see myself going far with her, and she still feels as though she has some authority over me?

"You know what actually, yeah. Most of it." I let out a bitter laugh. "I can't change my feelings, Vivienne! Im sorry, for the sake of us. This... We just can't go on any more, It's not fair." I stood up to my feet and made my way to the door. "It was fun while it lasted" I whispered and took one more glance at her before I shut the door and walked into the common room.

I neared the main seating area and instantly spotted Draco. I could see his platinum blonde hair from a mile away, the thought of that put a small smile on my face. He was laying down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling whilst Pansy was talking his face off. I was right. "-i'm telling you, she's mental. I was like, just be happy for Scarlet, and there she is talking in her sleep about how she's madly in love with her. I mean really, just get on with it." Pansy complained. She didn't realize I was standing right behind her until Draco made direct eye contact with me and chuckled. Pansy snapped her head up to me, wide eyed, and began apologizing. "I don't care, Pans. Please, let's just go outside. I feel like I can't breathe." 

Draco stood up almost instantly and put his hand on my shoulder. "In all seriousness Fatale, you alright?" I could've probably came up with a more interesting response if his eyes weren't piercing right through my soul. The only word that managed to escape was "Fine." He nodded and headed outside. "You coming?" he looked back at us, me and Pansy quickly following behind him.


I walked into the courtyard with Pansy and Draco at both of my sides and in a matter of seconds, all eyes were on me. I felt myself shrink under their gaze and swallowed a lump in my throat, until I spotted my gryffindor friends. A smile spread across my face, they always brought out the best in me. "Draco, Pansy i'll come back soon, I just want to say hi to a few friends" I nodded to the golden trio and Weasley twins. "The mudblood?" he replied, narrowing his eyes at Hermione. My face was suddenly completely serious as I looked him in the eye. "Don't. Ever. Call. Her. That. In. Front. Of. Me. Never again, Malfoy." I strutted away from him and dropped down next to Harry on a log. That bastard, he always knows how to spoil a good moment. "Fred, look! It's baby Weasley!" Fred smiled and pointed at me. "Weasley? Since when did I join the family tree?" I laughed. 

"Bloody hell, they've been talking all day about how they were going to recruit you into their klan, you know, causing mischief and all" Ron rolled his eyes. Fred sat on the log next to me on the left, George pushing Harry out of the way and sitting to the right of me. "We think you'd make a perfect addition, Isn't that right George?" "That's right Fred!" they high-fived each other. "Gee, I thought you would never ask" I rolled my eyes playfully. I actually was really happy at this, Fred and George always found a way to make me smile, and to be apart of them was a great thing. Anybody would be stupid to pass them up.

"Diggory alert" Hermione chirped up in a sing-song voice. I shot my head up and saw Cedric walking right toward me. "Hey uh, Scarlet, that right?" He began. I couldn't help but admire his features, he was definitely attractive. "Yeah" I smiled, "thats me." "Right, I was just wondering you know, if you're free or anything that is, you'd maybe like to hang out this week?" My mouth turned into an o- shape and I looked around nervously at my friends. Cedric was the ideal boy for me, but I couldn't help but compare him to Draco in every way. If Cedric could do something, Draco could do it ten times better. "You know i'd really like to, but-" 

"But she already has plans, Diggory. Get lost." Draco said loudly and walked right up to Cedric, their heights matching. I never realized how tall Draco was until now, Cedric was a whole two years older than him, yet he still managed to look intimidating next to Cedric. It had now been completely silent in the courtyard, even I was at a loss for words. 

"You know what Scarlet reminds me of?" he turned his attention to Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise, who'd been silently next to him. Here he goes. "An amortentia. Isn't that right?" they all started to chuckle. "Yeah, she makes the boys fall like dominoes. Good thing that rubbish doesn't work on me. If she doesn't watch out, her last name may even turn out to be accurate." Ouch. I looked up at Draco, confused. Why had he suddenly been so rude? Was I not the person he smelled in the amortentia? The last thing Draco said especially struck a nerve. It was the same thing Hariet said to me last year. I got up from the log and walked up to him.

"Glad I amuse you, Malfoy" I spat and made my way back into the castle. "Hey- I was just joking!" I heard him call out, but I didn't look back. Maybe I should've said yes to Cedric when I had the chance.

The more I thought of it, the less it sounded like a bad idea.


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