28. 𝘛𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘺

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"I just can't believe its finally happening" I shook my head as I was walking down the corridors to the Great Hall with Hermione by my side. "Im scared, Scarlet. I know he'll be fine but its just.." she ran her hand through her hair in frustration. "I know" I nodded sympathetically. Harry already had so much on his plate, and now he had to deal with winning an entire tournament? He was already at a disadvantage with his age, Merlin knows what could happen.

"Anyway," Hermione sighed loudly. "Let's change the subject please. How are you and Malfoy?" I blushed at the mention of his name, it was embarrassing how much I loved him. "We've been really good, Mione" I said truthfully with a soft smile on my face. "He spends a lot of time with me, even if we're not speaking about anything, he's always there. We've just kinda been both counting down the days until the tournament, not much we could really do when we're all on lockdown because of the psycho who put Harry's name in" I rolled my eyes.

"Well theres plenty of things you can do in lockdown" she bit her lip, hiding a cheeky smile. "Hermione!" I playfully hit her shoulder, in which she laughed. "Its true! Like.. you could both.. read a good book together!"

"I agree, there's plenty of things we can do, love" Draco cooed, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. "And that is my cue to leave, I'll see you later, Scarlet!" Hermione winked and quickly walked off into the Great Hall. "Hey" I smiled at Draco, admiring his outfit. Since it was tournament day, we weren't required to wear our usual robes. Draco had on a sleek black suit over a black turtleneck, and Merlin did he look good in it. "We're matching" he looked me up and down with a big grin. I looked down at myself, completely forgetting my choice of clothing.

"You guys look so badass together" Vivienne popped up from next to me, Pansy on her empty side

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"You guys look so badass together" Vivienne popped up from next to me, Pansy on her empty side. "We should've matched" Pansy frowned at Vivienne, who pecked her lips quickly. "Next time, then" Viv smiled.

"It's so tiring being the superior couple" I faked a yawn and earned a chuckle from Draco. "Yeah, thats my girl!" He lifted me up as we were nearing the slytherin table and sat me right on his lap. "Mr. Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall eyed him. "Professor, the table is full. I'm only trying to help Scarlet find a seat" he fought back a smile, keeping both of his hands tightly on my waist. I turned my head, letting out a small laugh so that McGonagall wouldn't notice. She made her way toward us and tapped Blaise on his shoulder with her wand, gesturing to move over. Draco sucked his teeth right as he did and rolled his eyes. "Take your seat, Ms. Fatale" she tapped the empty part on the bench and walked away. "Thanks a lot, Zabini" I hesitantly slid off of Draco. 

"By the way, you two are not the superior couple" Pansy looked between both of us. I smirked at Draco, who was playing with my fingers, "Mhm, whatever you say Pans" he laughed.

I turned my head to see Cedric Diggory, the other Triwizard Champion from Hogwarts, nervously speaking to Dumbledore. I tried to listen in on their conversation, but it was useless over the loud chatter. As Cedric walked past the slytherin table toward the hufflepuff table, I called out after him. "Diggory!" his head snapped in my direction, as did Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Vivienne's. "Hey.." he slowly walked back toward me, taking multiple glances at Draco, who was now glaring at him. 

"Good luck today" I gave him a small nod. "Thanks" he smiled at me before turning around and heading to the other hufflepuffs. 

"Didn't know you two were friends" Draco said bitterly. "We aren't. You know all of my friends" I stirred my tea. "Mhm" he hummed, his eyes still on Cedric, who was looking directly at me. I let out a small laugh before bringing my hand to Draco's neck and kissing him passionately. It was hilarious how easily he got jealous, but it was even funnier how he thought he'd ever have any competition when it came to me. 

"I love you" I reminded him quietly. "I love you too" he said through the smug look on his face, clearly satisfied with one-upping Cedric, which again, was ridiculous to me. 


As me and Draco were making our way out of the Great Hall, I noticed Fleur quietly standing in the corridor. "Fleur! I've been looking for you" I ran to her, bringing Draco along with me. "Mon amour (my love)!" she brought me into a tight hug. "How are you feeling?" I asked her seriously. "Nervous, as expected. But i'm ready, i'll do just fine. It's.. Harry i'm worried about." 

Fleur nodded to Harry, who was pacing around, Hermione and Ron desperately trying to calm him down. "I need to go, but I'll see both of you after. Au revoir (bye)!" she kissed both mine and Draco's cheek and made her way outside. "Bloody hell" Draco wiped his cheek, a look of disgust on his face. "It's a French thing" I laughed. "So why don't you do it to me?" 

"Because I prefer your lips" I grinned. "Hey, can you save me a seat? I have to talk to.. Hermione about something" I looked up at Draco, who simply nodded and pecked my lips. "Au revoir" he mimicked Fleur's french accent with a chuckle and walked off. 

I quickly spotted the golden trio and ran to them, giving Harry a sudden hug. "Wha-" "Shh" I cut him off. "I needed to do that, I'm sorry" I pulled away slowly, facing his shocked expression. "No, it's- it's fine" Harry shook his head. 

"Good luck, Harry. You'll do great" I smiled softly. I turned to Hermione and Ron who both sent me empathetic expressions, clearly feeling the same way as I was. "See you all after" I nodded to them and turned around, trying to find my way toward Draco.

I internally prayed Harry would get through this first task.


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