6. 𝘋𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘐𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘦𝘴

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My eyes struggled to open as I was finally waking up. I hadn't dreamed that night, and that really bummed me out. I always liked dreaming, it was a quick escape from reality that i'd always cherish. I noticed Vivienne was still asleep next to me, so I tried my hardest to make no noise as I was getting out of bed- careful not to wake her. Millicent was knocked out cold, but Pansy was nowhere to be found in the dorm. I didn't take her for such an early bird.

I made my way over to the mirror and examined my appearance. I never liked the way I looked, there was always a new insecurity to point out, but I took pride in the fact that everybody around me seemed to think I was beautiful. It's a shame I was never able to see it for myself.

I started to brush out my dark brown hair and kept it down in loose waves, applied some mascara, and put on my slytherin uniform. It was the first day of classes, so I looked over my schedule delivered to me by my owl, Nova. Nova is my white snowy owl I got when I was around 11 as a gift from my mother, and for a good period of my life, she was the only person I felt like I could talk to. It sounds pathetic, but I don't know what i'd do if I ever lost her. 

I glanced at the antique clock on the wall and read the time. 6:05. I had an entire hour before classes started, so I decided to spend some time in the common room and possibly even catch up on the last muggle books while i'm there. I shut the door to the dorm quietly and tiptoed into the common room, only to see Pansy sitting in front of the fireplace on the couch quietly. Her head snapped in my direction and for a moment her face softened, until it changed to anger. "What are you doing here?" She spat. I knew her and Draco were similar. 

"It's my common room too, you know that right?" I replied narrowing my eyes at her. She stayed silent and turned her head back to the fireplace. I made my way to the shelf of books and pulled out Macbeth while sitting on the nearest chair, which so happened to be right next to Pansy. I wasn't interested in making any conversation with her until she quietly spoke. "You and Vivienne are hitting it off then, huh?" her eyes still focused on the fireplace. 

Fuck, she noticed. I slowly started to panic, I haven't came out to anybody yet and Pansy could easily use this against me if she wanted to. I slowly shut my book and looked directly at her. "Please don't tell anybody" my voice trembled. She looked at me with a confused expression and scoffed "Merlin, relax. Whenever you're ready."

"What?" I replied completely confused. "Look. Just because I hang out with the idiot doesn't mean i'm awful. I'm not going to out you because Draco has a bone to pick with you. Do you really think that low of me?" she looked at me seriously. "Actually, forget it. I honestly don't care if you do, everybody does." 

I didn't expect this random outburst, from Pansy especially. I only suspected she's been keeping this in for a while. "Girl, it's literally my second day here, give me a break. What am I supposed to think?" 

She chuckled at that. "Fair point." A few moments of comfortable silence passed before she pointed at my schedule. "Let me see that." I handed the piece of parchment to her while she was fiddling in her pockets to find hers, crumpled up and teared at the edge, and observed her as she looked over both schedules. "Potions, defense against the dark arts,  and charms. We share those classes," she began as she stood up, handed the paper back to me, and pointed at me. "And you will be sitting at my table." she winked. "What? No! What about Dr-" I started before she walked out of the common room and closed the door, going merlin knows where. I let out a loud sigh, and as if on cue, Draco Malfoy walked into the common room from his dorm.

He was rubbing his eyes while wearing a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, with his hair completely disheveled, but he stopped right when he saw me. "Look at what we have here, the blood traitor" he said in a rapsy half-asleep voice. "It's too early for this, Malfoy. Find someone else to torment" I rolled my eyes and and sat on one a windowsill, reaching for my book. 

"I could do that if I wanted to," he plopped down onto the sofa across from me and stretched out his arms on either side of him. "But I really really like tormenting you" he finished with a smirk.

"And i'd really really like a private island the farthest distance away from you possible. But we can't all have what we want, can we?" I spat. He laughed, "My father could get that for you. You'd know all about him though, right Fatale?" his face was suddenly serious. 

"Weren't our dads the bestest of friends or something? How ironic. Yours must've had better morals as a boy, my father would never be caught dead next to a blood traitor like that. Or maybe, he did stay the same. He just did a horrible job raising you." Draco said simply.

In less than a millisecond, my entire body was heating up with anger. Stay calm, Scarlet. Remember what happened the last time you were angry. It did not end well at all. 

Instead of taking my wand out and hexing him on the spot, I stood up, flattened out my skirt, and bent down to his height. When our faces were inches apart from each other, I could see him swallow nervously. 

"Projecting our daddy issues onto others are we?" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear as I looked straight into his eyes. He stayed silent and I smiled at him, satisfied with myself. "I'll see you in potions, Draco." With that, I left him frozen on the couch and I left the common room. 

On my way to the Great Hall for breakfast, I couldn't help but smile.


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