8. 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢

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"SCAR wait up!" I turned my head and saw Vivienne running up from behind me in the corridor. "I didn't see you at breakfast, are you okay?" she worriedly asked out of breath. 

"Oh no Viv i'm good! I was at the gryffindor table with my friends, sorry about that" I nodded to Ron, Harry, and Hermione, who I now like to call the Golden Trio. They were walking into our first period class, potions. At first I was happy, but that quickly faltered once I realized who else was in the class.

I turned my attention back to Vivienne and saw disappointment painted across her face. "Hm. Thats fine then." She turned her back to me and followed the golden trio right into the classroom. One thing about Vivienne, if she says she's fine she is definitely not fine. The last thing I needed right now is her petty shit.

I made my way into the dead silent class and realized I was the last one there. Everybody's head snapped in my direction. "Oh I- I'm sorry-" I began, but the thin, tall professor's cold stare interrupted my thoughts. 

"Late. 5 points from slytherin, be grateful it isn't more" he said in a monotone voice. "Take your seat next to Miss Parkinson and Mr Malfoy, immediately." I scanned the room for the table and instantly felt my heart drop to my stomach. I hesitantly made my way to them and took my seat next to Pansy. To my left was Draco, across me was Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, who I assumed were Malfoy's other minions. I chose to not look at Draco, but I knew for a fact he had his signature stupid grin on his face. 

"Most of you know exactly whom I am and what I expect from my students, but for those select few who do not.. There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and insnare the senses. I can tell u how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." He walked closer to me and his dark eyes pierced through my soul, making me swallow a huge lump in my throat I didn't even know I had. Draco chucked from next to me, amused by my fear. "Today we will be brewing the amortentia, the most powerful love potion ever created" he turned his attention back to the rest of the class. "Anybody who smells it will smell exactly whom they desire. Would anybody like to volunteer?" 

Some students raised their hand, mostly in fear. Hermione's was the highest, anxious to participate. Professor Snape ignored everybody else and turned back to me. "You, Miss Fatale" he pushed the amortentia in front of me. I didn't even bloody raise my hand. I slowly took the heart shaped bottle and took a deep smell.

"Um... I smell... apples?" Who the hell was I in love with that smelled like apples. "Sorry, Professor, let me try again," I went in for another sniff. "Apples and cologne. Thats what I smell." I hadn't been more confused in my entire life. "Very well" Professor Snape took back the bottle and started passing out pieces of parchment with the directions on it. I snapped my head to Vivienne and she sent back a pained expression. Vivienne definitely didn't smell like this, and she knew that. I turned back to my table and noticed Pansy eyeing me and Draco. I didn't realize what she was implying until I noticed a green apple peeking out of Draco's robe pocket. 

No fucking way. 

I looked up and him and for once, his expression was sweet. He sent me a small smile and started on his own amortentia. I cleared my throat and did the same. I honestly did not know how to feel. I definitely did feel uneasy around him, and sometimes insecure under his gaze, but isn't that normal? No, you bloody idiot, thats just called a crush, I scolded myself. I suddenly felt a jab in my right rib, and turned to see Pansy looking right at me. 

"You and Malfoy? Seriously?" she whispered loud enough for only me to hear. "Pansy, I have no fucking idea" I truthfully responded. Her face was serious for a few moments until she smiled and winked at me. "Honestly babe, you would make a hot couple." Thank merlin Draco was busy speaking to Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise and didn't hear the conversation me and Pansy were currently having. He'd never let me hear the end of it.

About 10 minutes passed by before Draco spoke up. "Professor, I've finished mine" he gestured to his amortentia. "Decent. 10 points to slytherin." Snape responded slowly. I couldn't help but smirk a bit. Draco? The teachers pet? Never in a million years would I have guessed.

"Tell us then! What does it smell like?" Blaise pressed. Pansy grinned and held up her pointer finger, "Ten galleons I already know the answer." Draco rolled his eyes and smelled the amortentia. Part of me was nervous. What if it wasn't me? I would've made a complete fool out of myself. 

"Cherries," he paused. "and some sort of rich perfume. I don't know. Chanel, or something."

The entire table went silent, as did I, as we realized what I'd been doing. I looked down at my opened cherry chapstick and I could feel my cheeks heating up. I turned to Draco, and with a new random burst of confidence, smiled at him and winked. 

"Where are my ten galleons?" Pansy chirped.


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