22. 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦

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"I can't believe Dumbledore has locked us all in our common rooms" Blaise groaned, throwing himself down on one of the chairs in the common room. 

"Safety precautions, my ass. They did the same thing once Sirius escaped. My father will definitely be hearing about this" Draco laid down on the sofa, throwing his head down on my lap in frustration. I rolled my eyes at the phrase he used and on instinct started to comb my fingers through his hair.

"I wonder if your father ever gets tired of hearing you bitch" Vivienne took a sip of her tea on the couch facing me. Draco instantly lifted his head up, eager to respond, but I quickly put my hand on his mouth, afraid of him saying something too hurtful. Vivienne wouldn't be able to handle it. "Shut up, Vivienne" I told her coldly and looked down at Draco, who had a smug look on his face.

"Anyway, I for one am glad we're stuck inside tonight" I shrugged. The weather fell into a beautiful thunderstorm, which illuminated the dark sky. It reminded me of how I would sneak into Fleur's room at night at Beauxbatons and play silly boardgames, blasting random french music on her record player. In fact, she'd gifted it to me and it now sits on my bedside table. "Well, since It looks like we'll be staying here for a while, i'm changing out of this bloody uniform." Pansy got out of her seat and headed toward our room. "Same here, be right back" I moved Draco's head a bit to get out of my seat, but he latched onto my arm. I laughed at how needy he could be sometimes. "Draco." I whispered, and he sent me a small smirk and finally let go.

I made my way into my room and looked through my wardrobe to find something comfortable. "Ooh thats cute!" Pansy pointed to a dark red satin pajama set I had. "You should definitely wear it" she smirked. I laughed softly and lifted the set, which was a cropped tank top and shorts. "It doesn't fit me anymore" I frowned. It was extremely tight around my hips, but super loose on my waist. "But..." I turned to her with a glimmer of excitement in my eye. "It would look stunning on you. Here" I held it out to her. "No shit, thank you Scarlet. I adore this" she went to go change as I looked for an outfit myself. I ended up settling for most basic thing I could find.

I threw my hair up into a high ponytail as I was walking back to the common room, noticing that everybody else has also changed into their pajamas

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I threw my hair up into a high ponytail as I was walking back to the common room, noticing that everybody else has also changed into their pajamas. I looked at Blaise who was also coming out of his room with "No way" I laughed. "Are we really about to have a sleepover in the common room tonight?" I crossed my arms.

"Yes ma'am" Vivienne said in a sing-song voice. "Malfoy just threatened all of the other lads to stay inside of their rooms, reckon they'll listen."

"They absolutely will, do you know who I am?" Draco's voice dripped of his usual narcissism. I laughed and sat down next to him, immediately his eyes were glued onto my body.

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