32. 𝘍𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘋𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳

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"And this is my room" I led Draco inside, closing the door and plopping onto my bed.

"And this is my room" I led Draco inside, closing the door and plopping onto my bed

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"Needs more black" he critiqued my room. "What is your room fully black or something?" I laughed. "Actually, mostly.." he began. "I'll have to show you" he said suggestively. "Oh really?" I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. It quickly got passionate, as he climbed on top of me. I started to lightly tug at the bottom of his sweater, in which he grabbed my hand and pinned it to my bed. "Your parents are downstairs" he whispered, pulling back from the kiss.

"And?" I looked at him seriously before breaking into a smile. "Come on, Scarlet" he chuckled, pulling himself off of me and standing beside my bed. I stood up and sat at the edge of it, looking up at him. "But I want my... Christmas present" I continued to playfully whine. "Did you not get it last night?" he smirked, narrowing his eyes at me. "It wasn't enough" I shrugged, rolling my eyes and walking toward my door. He stopped me, putting his own hand on the doorknob and moving my hair away from my ear. "Just you wait till we get back to Hogwarts, you spoiled brat" he whispered, and opened the door himself.

"That's what I like to hear" I called out from behind him, following him back to the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks right when I saw who was standing around the fireplace.

"Ah, there you are!" my mother called out next to my dad, Narcissa, and Lucius. Narcissa immediately smiled wide at me, Lucius on the other hand, studied me carefully. I quickly turned back to Draco, who had a nervous expression painted across his face.

"Scarlet, this is Lucius Malfoy, my old friend" my father smiled, although I could tell he wasn't entirely comfortable around his presence. I raised my eyebrows and presented a fake smile, extending my arm out to Lucius. "Great to finally meet you, Mr. Malfoy." He shook my hand slowly and revealed a devilish, wicked grin, which sent chills down my spine. "The famous Scarlet Fatale" he stretched my name out. "Pleasure."

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, my mother cleared her throat. "Well! Follow me. I prepared my finest french cuisine- remember Narcissa? I used to bring you baguettes when you were pregnant with little Draco!" my mother rambled on as we walked over to the dining room. She was the best at breaking awkward situations, all she did was talk. I stayed close to Draco behind both of our parents, as we exchanged questionable glances. Neither of us knew what to expect this evening, and I took a deep breath as he gently kissed my cheek. "It'll be fine" Draco mouthed to me.

I wasn't convinced. Draco noticed the stress on my face and quickly tickled me, laughing at my sudden jump. "Stop!" I whispered through a giggle, putting my hands up defensively. He simply smiled as we walked into the dining room.

 He simply smiled as we walked into the dining room

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