17. 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢

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I woke up fairly late today. It was 10 a.m, and in comparison to my usual sleep schedule, I had an extra 4 hours of sleep. Truth be told, I definitely needed it. I was going to meet Draco's mom today. Once I came to that realization, I jumped out of bed, completely ignoring Pansy and Vivienne's good-mornings. I frantically ripped through my suitcase, trying to find the most posh outfit I could put together. "Scar, what's going on with you, mate?" Vivienne spoke.

I debated on telling them what was really going on. After a few moments of me weighing the pros and cons, I turned to my friends and spat out the truth. "Immeetingmrsmalfoytoday" I said quickly. "Woah woah woah, slow it down. What did you just say?" Pansy stood up slowly.  

"Mrs. Malfoy. I'm meeting her at hogsmaede. Draco offered to go with me today." 

"Merlin! Vivienne can you believe this!" Pansy turned to her with a bright smile on her face. "Shit, Scar. That's good for you, really. That's like the first step in any serious relationship." she shot me a soft smile. She was right, but thats what was scaring me the most. Everything between me and Draco happened so fast, is this really what he wanted? It was definitely what I wanted. 

"Wild." Pansy sat down on the floor next to me. "In that case, Narcissa Malfoy is the epitome of posh. I'll help you pick out something nice. My parents were invited to this 'sacred 28' meeting at their manor a few years back and I got a quick glimpse of her closet.  Stylish one, she is." 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I gave Pansy a tight hug and went off to do my makeup.


"Come out already!" Vivienne shouted. I stepped out of the small changing divider screen we had in our room. 

"This is cute, right?" I looked between Pansy and Vivienne who were clearly impressed with their clothing choices

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"This is cute, right?" I looked between Pansy and Vivienne who were clearly impressed with their clothing choices. "Well of course it is," Vivienne began. "We picked it" she gave a small wink to Pansy and a smile spread across my face. 

"Well," I looked up at the clock on the wall, "I need to head out. I'll update you on everything when I get back- I promise! Thank you guys" I blew them both a small kiss before I left to the common room. I spotted Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle on the couches, but Draco was nowhere to be found. "Oi! Fatale, there you are," Blaise pointed his finger at me, his mouth full of the wafers I gave him last night. "Merlin, these wafers" he imitated a chefs kiss, and I was quickly getting impatient. "Yeah Zabini I'll get you some more, have you heard from Malfoy at all?" 

"I was getting to that" he rolled his eyes. "He's waiting in the courtyard." I nodded and looked around the common room for the nearest bit of parchment. I quickly wrote a note to my mother reminding her to bring more of the peppermint chocolates for Draco, and I added in more wafers for Zabini. "Nova, deliver this to mum." I attached the note to my owl with a satin ribbon and sent her off. I made my way out of the common room to the courtyard, occasionally getting caught up in some small talk with Professors along the way.

I finally got to the courtyard and spotted Draco leaning on one of the pillars. He was wearing a black long sleeve turtleneck and sleek black pants, which contrasted his pale skin and hair beautifully. Between his fingers was a cigarette, and I wondered how the hell he managed to get that into school grounds. He took me out of my thoughts once he met my eyes and waved his hand. I quickly made my way to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Hey" he whispered. I grabbed the cigarette from his fingers and took a big puff, the smoke quickly evaporating into the cold air. "Evanesco" I murmured as I watched the cigarette disappear before me. Draco was staring intently at me as I wagged my finger in front of him and playfully scolded him, "don't smoke!" He let out a chuckle and threw his arm around my shoulder, starting to walk toward hogsmeade. "Shut up, Scarlet." 

"Make me" I said innocently. I knew exactly what I was doing. What I wasn't expecting was the intensity of the look Draco gave me. "What did you say?" his grey eyes pierced through mine. I instantly felt myself shrink next to him, and i'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. "Nothing" my cheeks got red and I turned my attention to the floor. "Mhm. That's what I thought" he responded. If we weren't in public, things would've went down completely differently.

A few moments passed until we reached hogsmeade. I scoured the village until I laid eyes on a sign which wrote Lady Burton's in a classic script font. The store was a lot more polished than the other stores in the village. Typical mum. 

I looked at Draco who let out a nervous sigh. "This is it?" he said quietly. It gave me some comfort knowing that he was as nervous as I was. "Yep" I popped the p. "You'll be fine, trust me" I sent him a bright smile and he returned a small smirk. I took Draco's hand in mine and led him into the store, but to my surprise, my mother was already sitting with another woman drinking tea.

"Mum?" Draco spoke up. Our mothers knew each other? "Draco!" "Scarlet!" our mothers called out our names at the same time. They giggled at themselves whereas me and Draco were looking at each other, confused. "Scarlet, my dear. Are you two..." my mother pointed between the two of us with a smile spread across her face. "Mom.." I whispered to her, praying she would stop. "No Mrs. Fatale, i'm just her date to the Yule Ball. I offered to go to hogsmeade with her since, well, I was going either way." Draco extended his arm to my mother, which she graciously shook. I couldn't help but notice how different his poise was around our moms, and I really loved it. "Ah, well in that case it's lovely to meet you.. Draco, correct?" He nodded and stepped back, and my eyes fell onto the attractive tall woman next to my mom. 

She had jet black hair with some strands of platinum blonde, and she had a soft smile on her face. "Scarlet, your mother has told me so much about you. I'm so lucky my boy has encountered such a lovely lady like you" she embraced me in a small hug, which completely caught me off guard. "It's amazing to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy. I love the hair, by the way." Draco chuckled from next to me. Narcissa smiled and ruffled her hair "Oh, thank you. I've just cut it the other day, of course the boys in the family didn't notice" she glared at her son. "I did!" Draco put his hands up defensively. "Was just going to point it out actually." Narcissa rolled her eyes and my mother laughed from next to her. 

"So, is it time to waste a ridiculous amount of money yet?" My mom raised her wine glass and took a sip, in which we all laughed at. Classic. 


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