26. 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥

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"Shhh, go back to sleep. It's still early" Draco whispered as he stroked my hair softly. I realized that i'd fallen asleep on his chest, the sun was shining directly on his face. "Shit" I grumbled as I sat up a little straighter. "What time did we fall asleep? It must've been like 11 right?" I questioned a sleepy Draco. "No, actually. You," he jabbed his finger into my arm playfully "fell asleep at around 7." 

"Huh" I said, narrowing my eyes. "That doesn't sound like me at all." Draco chuckled softly and faked a surprised expression "I must've made love to the wrong girl then! Sorry about that" he let go of my hand, which I hadn't even realized he was holding until now. "Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows and laughed, sitting on top of him so my legs were straddling his waist. "You sure?" I kissed his neck softly. "Don't start something you can't finish, babe" he gripped one of his hands around my wrist. "I could finish anything I want to" I said confidently. Truthfully, the events of last night were replaying in my head like my favorite song, and there was nothing I could possibly do to forget about them. Draco raised his eyebrows, "That you can" he kissed my lips roughly. I kissed him back quickly, before taking a peek at the small clock on the table next to us.

"Draco!" I broke the kiss. "It's 9:20. Breakfast is ending in ten minutes and then we have Professor Snape's class. What do you mean it's still early?!" I jumped out of the bed, quickly putting on the clothes I was wearing from the previous night. Draco groaned and tilted his head back, "Who cares about Snape? He won't die if we don't show up." 

"Yes, but we probably will." I grasped his arm, trying to pull him out of the bed. Instead, he layed in the bed completely still, his strength overtaking mine, and sent a smirk to me. "Fine" he sighed. "But for the record, Snape won't kill you. He'll just give you some detention." 

"No difference to me" 


After about 15 minutes of rushing to get my uniform on, making sure the necklace Draco gave me was still on, I made my way to Professor Snape's class. Right as I entered, the bell had rung. "Take.. your.. seat.." Snape said slowly, in which I briskly walked toward the front of the class, sitting down next to Pansy. "Where have you been?! I haven't seen you since yesterday. I looked over the entire library for you" Hermione whispered from behind me. Pansy and Vivienne cleared their throats and giggled from next to me, knowing that the last time they saw me was with Draco. "It's true. She was there for ages" Harry chipped in. Ron silently nodded. "I'm sorry, I-" I turned my head to the side, seeing Draco looking right at me. "I got held up." 

Draco chuckled loudly and the golden trios heads snapped right in his direction. Professor Snape was thankfully too focused on finding whatever it was he was looking for in his desk. Hermione gasped quietly, widening her eyes. I sent her a small smile and shrugged, turning back to Snape. "Ah," he began. "Today.. we will be brewing the potion for dreamless sleep" his monotone voice rung through my ears. "Make your way to the brewing stations.. quickly" he scanned the classroom, his cold stare landing on me. I stood up, breaking the odd eye contact and made my way toward an empty brewing table. Pansy, Vivienne, Blaise, and Goyle followed and sat around the table, Draco wrapping his arms around my waist from behind instead. 

"Sit down" I giggled softly. Blaise narrowed his eyes at us suspiciously along with Goyle, whereas the girls were watching us with a smirk. Draco took his seat closely next to me, and noticed Blaise and Goyle's odd glares. "What?" he spat. Blaise raised his arms defensively "Oh, nothing, It's just... you know" he tilted his head toward me, lowering his eyes to my necklace.

"Yeah. Scarlet is my girlfriend. Issue, Blaise?" Draco crossed his arms. A smile crept onto my face as I was gathering the materials needed to brew the potion. "Girlfriend?" Harry suddenly looked up from the table behind us. I turned around and looked at Hermione, Ron, and Harry who all had an equally pained facial expression. "Yeah, we're together" I uncomfortably smiled. Harry silently nodded slowly and looked down. 

"Congratulations" Hermione kicked Harry under the table which only I noticed, and sent me a bright smile. "Thanks, Mione" I winked at her and went back to my potion. Suddenly, I was buried back into my thoughts. Why was Harry acting this way? I mean sure, a new relationship really isn't at the top of his priorities right now, but he could at least be happy for me. I wouldn't have completely given myself to Draco if I wasn't sure about him, but of course Harry didn't know that. I do also have to consider that apparently Draco and Harry haven't been on the best terms for the past 4 years, but surely friendship would mean more than some silly rivalry?

I hadn't even noticed that I was cutting the ingredients so aggressively until Draco squeezed my hand. "Alright, Scarlet?" he said quietly. "Yeah," I loosened my grip on the knife, "I'm good" I mumbled. Draco's fingers slowly started to make their way to my waist, and when I least expected it, Draco began tickling me. "Draco! Stop!" I hissed, praying that Professor Snape wouldn't notice. "Hm... No" Draco laughed. At this point, I was uncontrollably laughing, trying to be as quiet as possible. 

"Fatale." the familiar monotone voice spoke up from behind me and Draco. Instantly, he brought his hands back to himself and looked straight ahead, trying desperately to contain his laugh. I nervously turned around and faced Snape. "Yes, Professor?" I said innocently. Now, everybody's eyes were on me. "I made it entirely clear at the beginning of this term. I will not tolerate, under any circumstance, foolishness in this classroom" he bent down slightly, bringing our faces to the same level. "Understood?" 

I swallowed a thick lump in my throat and nodded slowly "Mhm. Yes, Professor" I looked him in his eye. He stood up straight and walked away from me, his dark cloak flowing behind him. Everybody was still looking at me, annoyed I narrowed my eyes and cleared my throat. "What?" I spat at everybody, who immediately turned their heads away.

I quietly went back to doing my work before Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and pecked my lips. "Sorry" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him, pretending to act mad. "Babe, I was just joking" his voice grew desperate. "I'm sorryyyy" he whispered, and I giggled at his whining. "Fuck you" I said quietly through a smile. 

"Okay" he winked. 


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