2. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴

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I had just parted ways with my dad, I didn't want him walking me to the train because honestly, the less people knew about me, the better. I looked down at the small piece of parchment in my hand and read "WALK STRAIGHT INTO THE WALL BETWEEN PLATFORMS 9 AND 10" scribbled in messy handwriting. I hadn't realized i'd been standing right in front of it like a fool until a middle aged redheaded woman with a motherly tone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Excuse me dear, may you please step aside?" She smiled at me and glanced at my cart, confirming that I was not a muggle. "I don't trust my sons running into something that close to you, they're a walking safety hazard." As if on cue, two tall twins with the same shade of red hair came up from behind her.

"You hear that, Fred? I always knew we were moms least favorites" one of them faked crying. "Speak for yourself, George! I happen to know I am the family's favorite member, maybe you'd get there if you were as handsome as me" the other laughed and flipped his hair back. Hmm.. George and Fred. They would make a great sitcom show duo.

"Boys please!" their mother turned back around to me and smiled sweetly. "Are you new to Hogwarts? I don't think i've seen you before, sweetheart."

"I am! This is my first year here. I'm going into my 4th year." I returned the smile. "Ah! Ronald come here!" she waved her arms and signaled to another redhead boy, but shorter than the twins. I noticed he was speaking to a dark haired boy and a brunette girl. "This is my son, Ronald Weasley. He's a 4th year too in Gryffindor house. Perhaps you two could make great friends!" Mrs. Weasley beamed. He slowly walked up to me and held his arm out, I shook it and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Ronald, my name is Scarlet Fatale." I said simply. "Fatale is your surname?" he stared at me with wide eyes. I suddenly froze. Did he know anything about my family? I nodded slowly, "Is that a bad thing?" "No, not at all! It's just a wicked name!" He chuckled. I felt as though the weight on my chest has been completely lifted. He's clueless. "Follow me, i'll introduce you to my friends and you could sit with us on the train. I mean, only if thats cool with you, though" he shifted uncomfortably. "Oh no of course! Thank you, Ronald" I gave him a smirk as he started to walk me to the pair. "Oh just Ron" he spoke nervously. I nodded at him.

We finally reached his two friends and I instantly recognized the scar on the boys forehead. It was Harry bloody Potter. I decided to play it completely cool and smiled at the both of them, which was instantly reciprocated. "Harry, Hermione, This is Scarlet Fatale. I know. Absolutely wicked last name" Ron beamed at them.

"I'm Hermione Granger, it's a pleasure to meet you. This is your first year here correct? I know everything at Hogwarts but i've never seen you around before." Her introduction was a little off-putting but I honestly respected it. I knew I was going to get along with her beautifully.

"Yup! I attended Beauxbatons for the past few years, but you know, father decided it would be easier if I went here instead" I half-lied. It was definitely easier at Hogwarts now, but they didn't have to know exactly why I had to transfer. I turned my head to face the boy who I knew was Harry Potter. "Hello, I'm assuming you are Harry Potter, right?" I gestured to his scar. "He smiled and turned an odd shade of red. "Yeah, really nice to meet you Scarlet."

"Blimey, the train is going to be here any minute, hurry up!" Ron exclaimed and rushed into and through the wall between each platform. Hermione quickly followed and I was left with Harry on the platform. "Well come on then! I cant be late on my first year here can I?" I giggled and ran through the wall. I gasped in amazement when I saw the Hogwarts Express for the first time. What seemed like hundreds of families sending their children off crowded around the platform, each wearing a bright smile on their faces. Before I could even process what was going on, Hermione grabbed my hand and led me into one of the empty suitcase compartments on the train. I placed my bags on one of the shelves and turned around to follow Ron and his friends to a seating area, when I came face to face with a boy I assumed was around my age.

He was taller than me by about 5 inches, I couldn't help but admire his features. His hair and skin were both pale white, and his eyes were a glowing grey color. He was definitely one of the most attractive boys I have ever encountered. He smirked at me and opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off. I thought about what i'd said earlier to my father, it simply wasn't going to happen. "Excuse me" I smiled and walked right past him. I sat myself down next to my new friends, and engaged in some short conversation.

Whatever Hermione was talking about couldn't drown out my thoughts. What was he going to say to me? Hell, it's too early to be thinking like this. I glanced out of the window and a faint smile came onto my face. For the first time this entire summer, I was excited. I needed a fresh start so bad, and I finally got one.

A wave of peace and comfort came over me.


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