29. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘢𝘴𝘬

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"Bets, take your bets!" "Step up, folks, bets taken here!" Fred and George Weasley made their way around the loud arena with a small suitcase. "Hey!" I called out to them, who both turned around at the same time. "Scarlet!" "Long time no see, mate!" they both grinned widely.

"What are you guys doing?" I laughed. "Well taking bets- of course!" George began. "We all know Harry's gonna win, it's always fun to prove people wrong" Fred smirked and playfully elbowed George who nodded in agreement. "5 galleons on Fleur" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows, earning a chuckle from Draco. "Another 5 galleons on Fleur" Draco placed of his 10 galleons into the suitcase. "Hey!" I hated it when he paid for me, we were both beyond well on our own, but It still upset me. Draco simply smiled and brought his pointer finger to my mouth, shushing me. 

"5 galleons for Fleur for the both of you, thank you very much!" George handed us both a small piece of paper. "See you guys after- can't wait to prove you both wrong!" Fred called out whilst walking away. I smirked at the both of them, waving them off. "Are you cold? Draco suddenly turned to me, his hand making its way down to my exposed thigh. I hadn't even realized i'd been shivering until now, slowly nodding to him. "A little bit" I lied, I was absolutely freezing. Without a second passing by, Draco yanked his suit jacket off and held it up behind me. "Put your arms in" he ordered. 

"No! You're gonna be cold-" I started. "I don't care" he grabbed my arm and placed the jacket onto me, which was long enough to cover my thighs as well. "Hah!" he chuckled at me, obviously amused at how his jacket had completely engulfed my small figure. "I look like Hagrid" I frowned slightly. "You look adorable, my Amortentia" he kissed my cheek through a small laugh and brought me closer toward him, causing the butterflies in my stomach to ruin in full circles. 

A sudden cannon erupted throughout the arena, and there were instant cheers. "DIGGORY! DIGGORY! DIGGORY!" the crowd roared. Cedric walked out of the small tent and as if on cue, a dragon made its way out of a cave. The entire crowd, including me, gasped at the view. "Holy fucking shit" I mumbled, turning to an equally shocked Draco. "Bloody hell" he relaxed his raised eyebrows and sank down into his seat. "Harry can't handle this" I shook my head, trying to collect my thoughts. "Since when do you care about Potter" Draco narrowed his eyes.

"He was one of my first friends here, I don't care about him in any way beyond friendship. You know that" I looked intently at Draco, who's mouth curled up into a small smirk. "I know. I just like hearing you say it" he looked back out into the crowd, earning an eye roll from me.


"Three of our champions have now passed their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant.." Dumbledore announced. I had still been in complete shock from the previous round where Fleur was competing. Luckily, she retrieved the golden egg very quickly and easily, but it didn't stop me from flinching each time the dragon got near her. 

"HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!" every single gryffindor was now cheering for him. Most of the slytherins stayed quiet, except for me, who was cheering along. Harry slowly made his way out into the arena, and everybody quietly focused onto him. Suddenly, the slap of the dragons large tail landed about a foot away from Harry. Everybody seemed to have jumped into their seat, completely taken aback by the aggressiveness of the dragon. "He must've gotten the most dangerous one" Pansy said breathlessly. 

"Yeah, we can see that" Draco rolled his eyes. I had been too focused on Harry to even bat an eye at their usual banter, and instead heard Hermione yell out from a few rows below me. "YOUR WAND, HARRY! YOUR WAND!" she bellowed at the top of her lungs. "ACCIO FIREBOLT!" Harry yelled, which did absolutely nothing for a few moments. 

That was until, that I saw Harry's infamous nimbus 2000 fly its way into the arena, right into his grasp. He flew his way to the egg, gaining a loud applause from the crowd, only to be stopped by a large cloud of fire blown right into his direction. "Ugh!" Draco disappointedly buried his face into his hands. I turned to him questionably and narrowed my eyes. "What, now you want him to win?" 

"Shut up, Scarlet" he muttered. I smiled at Draco's interest in the tournament, not many things sparked up his attention, other than me of course. 

Harry made his way out of the arena, the dragon quickly following and ripping through the tent in which the professors were sitting, knocking Professor Snape over. "YESSSSSS WELL DONE DRAGON!" Fred Weasley yelled loudly, George laughing along. "Fuckin hell" I laughed, burying my head into Draco's shoulder. The entire arena quickly fell into a silence as there was no longer any action present. "Well that was wild, where'd Potter go?" Blaise sighed frustratedly. "Where the hell did you come from?" I turned to Blaise and Goyle who popped up behind Vivienne and Pansy.

"We were literally here the entire time, Fatale. Maybe if you payed attention-" Blaise glared at me. "Not her fault she didn't acknowledge your silent presence, Zabini" Draco quickly cut him off. "Woah, woah, woah, chill out" Vivienne put her hand between Draco and Blaise. "GUYS!" I pointed up at the sky, revealing a smiley Harry on his broom. Everybody went up in cheers, including Draco. "WELL DONE HARRY!" I yelled out to him, and he sent me a thumbs up in return. 

"Brilliant! All of our champions have now completed the first task!" Dumbledore happily yelled out. "Until next time" he said calmly over the loud chatter. 

I let out a loud sigh of relief and kissed Draco out of pure happiness. Everybody was okay as of right now, everything was perfectly fine. 


A/N: I am so sorry if this was boring! This was more of a filler chapter to connect the previous events to the Yule Ball (which I am extremely excited to write). I promise the next few chapters will be worth it ;)

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