13. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘠𝘶𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘢𝘭𝘭

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I pushed my way through the crowd of students, occasionally getting a few intimidating looks from the Durmstrang boys, until I finally saw Fleur. All of my worries suddenly evaporated as she turned her head to my direction and shot me a bright smile. She pulled me into a tight hug and we exchanged a few moments of silence, never wanting to let go again. "Ma sœur bienaimée (My beloved sister) Scarlet," Fleur whispered into my hair. "I thought i'd never see you again" her french accent more distinct than I last heard it to be. I pulled back and beamed up at her. There was nobody who understood my struggles like her, a piece of my heart would always belong to my sister, Fleur, even if we weren't blood related.

"Im here, dame (lady)! And you're never getting rid of me again" I laughed. "I know this amazing place near here, we can catch up there." Fleur nodded as I grabbed onto her hand and led to her to a small lake around Hogwarts, covered with flowers. The sun was in my mouth and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe. I was lucky classes were cancelled that day, and I spent what seemed like hours going back and forth with her. We covered everything we could, but I still felt like getting something important off of my chest.

The grass tickled my ear as I laid down next to her, looking up at the clouds. "Fleur," I spoke quietly. "How do you really know someone is right for you? And I mean really." She turned her head to me and sent a comforting smile, propping her body up on her elbows. "Someone at Hogwarts has already danced their way into the ballroom of your mind, huh?" she teased. I looked down and picked at the flower next to me. "You will never know," she sighed. I looked at her, confused. "Its true. Nobody will ever tell you who your soulmate is. All you can rely on is how you feel." she spoke slowly. "See, thats the thing. When it comes to love, your mind wont ever do you justice. It's about how you feel in here," she pointed to her heart. "That's what matters."

"Even if he's an absolute asshole?" I asked her seriously. It may have sounded like a silly question, but I needed to know. "Mon amour (my love), If he's a.. asshole. Pardon my profanity. It just means nobody was ever there to show him the love he needed. Nobody is truly evil. Amelia wasn't." she turned to me. She was right. I wish I could show Draco that.



It was now November 4th, and I wish I could say the past two months were anything but boring. Draco seemed as though he'd been avoiding me, and it actually frustrated me greatly. The most he would communicate with me was in our classes when we were forced to work together, but when I tried to push for an actual conversation- I got nothing. He would still occasionally throw in a few snarky remarks in an attempt to get a rise out of me, which I quickly shut down. And merlin, that stupid nickname stuck with him. I sometimes truly believed he forgot my actual name and just called me Amortentia as a cover up. Although I do have to admit, part of me was really disappointed by his sudden change in behavior. I reminded myself that Draco would definitely be tough to crack, and It would be unfair for me to believe I could get him to open up to me so easily. On the bright side, I strengthened my bond with the golden trio, Fred and George, and even a new blonde ravenclaw girl, Luna Lovegood. She reminded me a lot of Fleur, but a little wackier- which I honestly didn't mind. Another great thing was that Vivienne had ended up apologizing to me, which was definitely a shock. Me and her were good now, purely as friends. Plus, I honestly think she may even be taking a liking to Pansy.

It was around 7pm now, and I walked down to a room where Professor McGonagall was instructing everybody to take a seat, assuming she had something important to tell us. I spotted an empty chair next to Draco, and decided that this was the perfect moment to initiate small talk- or honestly, just anything. He snapped his head to me, yet when I looked back at him, he fixated his eyes onto the floor. I let out a disappointed sigh, and he turned his head back to me. "Hey" he said quietly. "H-"

"Attention students." McGonagall interrupted me. Bloody hell. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception. On christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. I expect everybody to put their best foot forward, and i mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost- a dance" she announced. The boys let out a storm of boos whilst the girls each had a look of excitement. I for one was extremely excited, I loved any chance to get dressed, and I hoped that I may be lucky and go with Draco.

"Silence! Hogwarts has earned the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening butchering that title by behaving like a bunch of babbling bumbling band of baboons!"

"Try saying that five times faster" George whispered to Fred behind me. I giggled at their stupidity while they were repeating it back and forth to each other.

Ron must've said something smart, because McGonagall snapped her head in his direction and called him up. "Now, put your hand on my waist." she simply said. "W-what?" Ron replied. "Looks like Weasley's already got himself a date" Draco laughed from next to me. I couldn't help but admire him. I loved it when he laughed, more so that I knew he didn't have much to laugh about in his personal life. I turned my attention back to McGonagall and Ron dancing as I stifled a chuckle and turned to my favorite twins. "Never gonna let him forget this are you?" I whispered.

"Never." they smiled.


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