24. 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘔𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦

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After finally deciding on an outfit, Hermione led me to the Great Hall for lunch. I was beyond happy classes today were cancelled, thanks to the situation with the goblet of fire. The last thing I needed today was to deal with Professor Snape's shit. I settled on wearing Draco's green quidditch sweater, black leggings, and my white sneakers. Hermione helped style my hair, which was let down in long loose waves. I wanted to not wear any makeup like I usually do, but Hermione insisted on putting mascara and a small amount of blush on me. I actually ended up loving the look of it, especially now since my skin was beyond pale in the november weather. I was mostly excited about wearing his sweater though, making sure that the "MALFOY" written across the back of it was on display. Hermione noticed but stayed silent instead of questioning our relationship.

The cold air hit me as I walked into the Great Hall, Hermione guiding me to the slytherin table. Luckily, the gryffindor table was only a few feet away from us, so all I had to do to communicate with them was turn around in my seat. "The birthday girl is back!" Blaise yelled out and started to clap, immediately followed by most people at the slytherin and gryffindor table. I lowered my head shyly and sat next to Draco, who kissed the side of my head. "I like your sweater" he tugged at my sleeve playfully. "I like you" I looked him up and down, admiring his signature all-black outfit. 

He placed his hand on my thigh before somebody tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to make eyes with a blonde ravenclaw girl who I recognized as Luna Lovegood. Me and her have never had a proper conversation, but she had always been around. "Happy birthday, Scarlet" she said in her soft voice. Next thing I knew, she punched my shoulder, quite aggressively I might add. "What the hell was that for?" I looked up at her. "Oh! The muggles do it when it's somebody's birthday. I suspect its to keep the nargles away." she smiled and skipped off back to the ravenclaw table. I laughed a little and turned back to my friends, who were suspiciously eyeing Luna. "Loony, that one" Draco spoke up. "Hah! Loony Luna!" he smiled, obviously proud of himself. I elbowed him and glared at him, softening my expression once he frowned a bit. 

"Should we do it now then?" Vivienne suddenly spoke up, looking at the group. "Do what?" I asked curiously. "Give you your gifts, of course!" Pansy answered. I sighed as they all took out bags and boxes from under the table, upset that they went out of their way for me. "Guys, you really didn't ha-" I started, but got cut off by Draco putting his index fingers to my lips, shushing me. "It's your birthday. Everyone give whatever you have to her now, i'm saving mine to be the last of the day, no ifs ands and buts." he crossed his arms. 

Draco actually got something for me? I got thrown out of my thoughts as Pansy pushed a fairly large bag toward me. I opened everybody's gifts one by one, receiving an expensive black purse from Pansy, music records from Vivienne, a teddy bear with chocolate attached from Blaise, a large pack of candy from the Weasley twins, more chocolate frogs from Ron, a leather journal from Harry, and a beautiful blue sundress imported from France from Fleur. Even Neville Longbottom gave me a present, and even though it was just a herbology textbook, I appreciated it entirely. After properly thanking everybody, I felt yet another tap on my shoulder.

"Scarlet Fatale. Happiest of birthdays to you" Professor McGonagall smiled brightly. "Professor Dumbledore asked me to wish you a happy birthday on his behalf as well, he is.. very busy at the moment" she frowned slightly. "Thank you, Professor! And I completely understand, tell him I said thank you as well" I smiled sweetly at her. I did love McGonagall a lot, she was the only Professor I felt I genuinely could talk to. "Surely. I also wanted to let you know that your parents had sent you a parcel, it's currently in your dormitory" she winked and walked off.

I narrowed my eyes curiously and stood up from the table, wondering what my parents had done this time. "I'll see you guys soon. Again, thank you for everything, it really means a lot" I smiled gratefully and tugged on Draco's sleeve. "Come with me" I mouthed, in which he immediately stood up. I rolled my eyes at the 'ooo's coming from my friends and led Draco back to the dorms. 

"Why so eager?" Draco noticed my speed increasing. I bit my lip and slowed down a bit. "I just miss my parents a lot, this is my first birthday without them. Even at Beauxbatons they'd come and visit the school on my birthday" I sighed. "It's alright, you're a big girl now" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. "I know I'm not as good as your parents but, uh" he cleared his throat. "I just want you to have a good day" he kept his eyes straight ahead.

I stopped suddenly outside of the door to my dorm room, lifting my hand and moving Draco's jaw so that he was now facing me. "And I am having a good day" I smiled up at him. "It's all because of you." This managed to make Draco crack a small smile through his cold expression. 

After finally opening the gift from my parents, which turned out to be a bunch of expensive clothes and jewelry pieces, as usual, Draco stood up from my bed and held his hand out. 

"It's already 5pm, I want to take you somewhere" he smiled mischievously. I placed my palm into his and eyed him suspiciously. "Where? Please let it be a candlelit dinner under the whomping willow" I joked, crossing my fingers. "Don't say that" he laughed and tugged on my arm, kissing me once I stood up. "Whatever you say, Malfoy" I giggled in which he rolled his eyes.

To be perfectly honest, I would've been content with going anywhere. As long as it was with Draco, that's all that mattered.


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