5. 𝘝𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦

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I shared my dorm with the dark haired girl, who I later found out was named Pansy Parkinson. She was awfully pretty. I hated that she was friends with that foul git, I couldn't help but to think that they shared some similarities in personality. For the most part, Pansy would completely avoid me and speak to our other roommate Millicent Bulstrode, who witnessed the entire incident with Draco Malfoy. I know because their faint whispers of the situation kept me up for most of the night, which angered me to the point where I was forced to cast a temporary deafening spell on myself. Their stupid gossip at least gave me his name though, which I instantly recognized. His father, Lucius Malfoy went to Hogwarts with my father and actually shared a dorm. My dad was shocked when he found out that Lucius had become a death eater, he was genuinely a good man before that. 

Soon enough, I drifted into a deep sleep.  I would've most likely dreamt about Draco if it weren't for the fact that i've been shaken awake at what seemed like 5 in the morning. I quickly jumped out of bed, still deaf, and came face to face with her. 

I hadn't seen Vivienne since last summer, and she was still as beautiful as I had remembered her. Sitting before me, she had her dyed red hair in a ponytail wearing grey sweatpants and a black sports bra- a smile plastered on her face. I quickly removed the deafening spell off of myself and touched her hand. "Shit, Scar. I've fucking missed you, love." She whispered and she kissed me hard. 

I returned the kiss as she climbed into my bed and laid down next to me. "Viv, you're in Slytherin?!" I whispered. I silently prayed to Merlin we shared the same room. 

"Of course I am hon," she giggled. I love her smile. "This is my room too. Although, your bed is a lot more comfortable," she slowly started to run her fingers down my cheek. "Think my mattress is broken or something. I guess i'll just have to sleep on yours with you." My mind was instantly flooded with flashbacks of last summer.

I had gone to her home in Manchester for a sleepover one night. Both of our parents went out of town for the weekend together and decided to keep us together at the same place. Little did I know i'd never forget that night. Vivienne was the first person to touch me in places nobody has ever touched, and she made me feel bloody amazing. My name poured out of her mouth that night many times, each increasing with passion and lust. When I look at her now, her lips inches away from mine, I cant help but to think about them on my body as they were last year, right where I needed her most. 

"Im fine with that" I responded simply with a smile. 

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Sweet dreams, Scar" was the last thing I heard before falling into a peaceful deep sleep.


a/n : btw this is still indeed a draco x scarlet love story! i just think wlw isn't represented much in draco fics and i wanted to give my bisexuals something to enjoy hehe, plus i feel like our girl scarlet needs a ride or die best friend. i do it for the girls and the gays thats it xx 

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