4. 𝘚𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘯

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"Prefects! Please take your houses to the dormitories. Schedules will be handed out accordingly" Professor Dumbledore announced. I somehow managed to hear the slytherin prefect over the loud conversations in the great hall and started to follow her. The blonde boy was behind me with a dark skinned tall boy and a girl around my height with short dark hair on either sides of him, luckily he hasn't tried to speak to me again. 

I started to make my way down into the dungeons, and after a few confusing turns we made it to the slytherin common room. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't absolutely beautiful. Outside of the windows was a view into the ocean, and there was a huge fireplace which seemed like a perfect place to study at. "Girls dormitories are down the stairs to the right, boys the same direction to your left. If you have any questions please let me know" the prefect, Andrea Robinson, loudly announced to the group. As the others started to make their way to their dorms, I stood in the common room and observed everything about it. In particular, a shelf of muggle books stood out to me. "I didn't know Hogwarts was an advocate for Romeo and Juliet" I muttered to myself while flicking through the pages. 

"Ugh. Please don't tell me you're one of those filthy mudbloods." the boy from before spoke up from behind me. He was laying down on the couch resting his head on the dark haired girls lap while the other boy he was with sat on the windowsill next to them. A few other slytherins were quietly sitting down at the tables. I looked at him in disgust. I hated when people looked down upon muggle-borns for no reason, more now that i've gotten to know Hermione Granger.

"Im pureblood." I said to him coldly while glaring at him. Apparently this sparked some interest for him because he lifted his head off of the girls lap and looked right at me. "Hm. Its a shame. I would've really liked you if you didn't stoop down so low and talk to that mudblood Granger. I guess its true then, a blood traitor is just as bad as a muggle-born." His face expression was completely blank, almost as though he was saying this to test me. Bad idea.

I shut my book and crossed my arms. "I wasn't aware I came to Hogwarts to impress a random nobody who feels the need to put down others to feed his disgusting superiority complex." I said clearly through a smile. 

 The entire common room was completely silent. 

He got up and slowly started to walk closer to me until I was pushed back against the wall. I took in the scent of his cologne and smiled wide at him, whereas he had anger painted clear as day on his face. The entire situation was amusing to me. He stayed silent for a few seconds until he brought his mouth close to my ear.

"Everybody here knows better than to disrespect me to my face. Shut your smart mouth or i'll be forced to have to shut it for you, Fatale. As for me, its a win-win situation." He stepped back and look at me up and down before walking off to the boys dormitories, his friends quickly following. 

It was the first time I had ever been unable to come up with a clever comeback.


a/n : hi everyone! this is my first fic ever and idk if anybody is enjoying it so far ahhsjdhjs so if you are pls comment and lmk and i'll continue updating :)) 

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