20. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘸𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴

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"What's with all the ruckus?!" Vivienne groaned. I was forced awake by the sound of the boys in the common room cheering as loud as they could. "Fuckin hell, what time is it?" I said, half asleep. "4:55 am. Should we go see what they're going on about?" Pansy chirped up. I hesitantly nodded and threw myself out of bed, preparing to physically scold each and every single one of the boys, not even caring I was still in my pajamas (black shorts and an oversized green t shirt). 

"What the hell is going on! Can't you see how early it is?" I shouted. In an instant, the entire common room was quiet. "Good morning, Amortentia" Draco winked at me. "Stop. Being. So. Loud" I glared at him. "Please." 

"Forgive me Fatale, but," Blaise arose from his seat with his finger pointed up. "Here he goes" I rolled my eyes. This earned a chuckle from most of the boys. "Hey, no, listen! We just got news that they're choosing the Triwizard champions today at breakfast. This is pretty revolutionary-" 

"I don't care if Merlin himself came down to Hogwarts, Zabini. If I hear one more word I'll personally skin each of you and wear you like a scarf." I spoke through gritted teeth. Everybody seemed terrified, except for Draco, who was smiling right at me. "Of course I'm an exception, though" he said cockily. 

"Just be quiet" my voice grew more desperate. He put his hands up in defeat as I walked back to my room. 

"You've got yourself a feisty one, Malfoy" I heard one of the slytherin boys say. "Shut your stupid mouth" Draco spat back. I smiled softly and went back to sleep, or at least tried to.


A few hours later, I made my way to the Great Hall. On my way down, I caught up with the golden trio and my favorite twins for the first time in a while. "Too slow!" Fred took my wand out of my pocket and waved it in the air. I tried jumping for it, but it was useless when taking into account our height difference. "George, catch!" he threw it to him and they both laughed, clearly enjoying my suffering. "You know what, boys. Keep the wand. It's so last season anyway" I playfully rolled my eyes and sat down at my table next to Draco. "You're no fun" Fred whined and placed my wand in my hand. "Don't worry Fred, we'll get her again." George came up from behind him. "It is her birthday tomorrow after all" They exchanged a mischievous look and did their signature high five, leaving me laughing at my table.

"I don't know why you hang out with those two morons" Draco glared at the both of them. "Don't call them that!" I slapped his head. "I think you'd get along with them great. You know, if you didn't hate everybody other than me." 

"Who said I didn't hate you?" He turned to me. I shot him a deadly glare before he quickly wrapped an arm around me. "I'm just kidding!" he backtracked. "You better be" 

"Please sit, everyone" Dumbledore announced. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for.. The champion selection." He dimmed the lights and the goblet of fire illuminated the entire Great Hall. A piece of paper flew out of the goblet and into Dumbledore's hands. "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" Everybody cheered and Viktor stood up to shake Dumbledore's hand. "Surprise, surprise" Draco said unenthusiastically.

Another piece of paper flew out of the goblet, and I held my breath, assuming it was now time for Beauxbatons. "The champion from Beauxbatons is.. Fleur Delacour!" I instantly shot up and cheered for her, beyond happy she got picked. I remembered Fleur talking about the Triwizard Tournament a few years back, and there would be nobody better to represent the school than her. 

Fleur noticed my cheers and sent me a small kiss, which I returned. 

The final piece of paper was thrown out of the goblet, and the entire Great Hall was silenced with anticipation. "The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" Everybody started to immediately clap. I even saw Draco clap a few small times for him. It was definitely unexpected, but for some reason, it fit. I could see Cedric winning the tournament. 

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end... only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions.. this vessel of victory.. the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore presented the bright, shining cup to us and again, the Great Hall erupted into applause.

Everybody was conversing about the new champions when suddenly, the goblet of fire illuminated once again. I tapped Draco on the shoulder and pointed to the goblet, which nobody else had yet noticed. "What the.." he started. 

Another piece of paper flew right out onto the floor. Dumbledore slowly approached it and lifted it up, reading: "Harry Potter."

The hall was now crowded with a bunch of faint whispers, mostly calling Harry a cheat. "Harry Potter" Dumbledore repeated once again, a little louder. I even noticed Hagrid shake his head profusely, mouthing "No, it can't be."

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore roared, and then finally, Harry made his way toward him. In absolute silence, Dumbledore handed Harry the piece of paper and he made his way toward the back where the other champions left to. We all quietly watched, and I snapped my head to Ron and Hermione, who had a look of distress on their face. They must've noticed my gaze because they turned to me, both confused and even a little hurt. 

"Alright students, you may go off now. The show is over" Professor McGonagall waved us off. Draco stood up and turned to me, even he looked extremely concerned. We made our way to the common room silently, hand in hand.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried for Harry.


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