7. 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺

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I stepped into the Great Hall and was instantly reminded of the beauty of this place. I don't think I could ever get tired of it. I spotted Ron, Harry, Hermione, in the gryffindor table with a few others and smiled wide. I haven't seen them since the sorting ceremony, and I prayed they didn't look at me any different because of my house.

"Hi everyone!" I beamed at them as they returned smiles. Whew. They still liked me. 

"Scarlet! We're sorry we couldn't talk to you yesterday after the sorting- we really are," Ron began. "But we had to go to the library." Hermione finished for him. "It was really important research, and next thing we knew we spent the entire rest of the day there. Ronald and Harry were practically dragging me out by the end of it." I chuckled and sat next to Hermione. "I definitely believe that."

We engaged in small conversation, it was mostly a boy named Neville Longbottom going on about different types of random plants- it was actually quite impressive, until the two redhead twins i'd seen on my first day sat on each side of me.

"Hey Scarlet! Why can't Harry Potter tell apart his potions pot and his best mate?" One of them asked. "Because he lacks the eyesight to differentiate between them?" Hermione answers for me. "No!" the other twin exclaims. 

"It's because they're BOTH CAULD RON!" they said at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh. "Thats the stupidest thing i've heard in my entire life" I looked between the both of them. "I agree with Scarlet. Pathetically dimwitted, in my opinion" Hermione smiled.

"What, you guys don't like our jokes?" Fred faked disappointment. "Well there must be something RON with you!" they said in unison again and high fived. I glanced at Ron and saw his face buried in his hands from embarrassment and let out a loud laugh. Harry must've noticed as well because he laughed along with me. Hermione on the other hand, was distracted by something across from us. "Scarlet! Don't look now but Cedric Diggory is looking your way." Harry, Ron, Fred, and George instantly stared right at the boy sitting at the hufflepuff table. Hermione took notice and slapped them each on the back of their head with the newspaper in her hand. "What is wrong with you all!" she huffed.

"In case you haven't realized, Hermione, Cedric is among the most fancied boys at Hogwarts and he never gives girls around here the time of day. This is a new one" a ginger girl next to Ron spoke up. "By the way Scarlet, I'm Ginny, the best Weasley" she smirked. Fred and George roughed up her hair and Ron rolled his eyes. "Nice to meet you" I laughed in response. I snuck a glance at Cedric and realized that he was in fact looking directly at me.

"Sorry to disappoint, but i'm not interested." I told my friends flat out. Each of them, even the boys, looked at me in absolute confusion. "What?" Ginny exclaimed. "Have you seen his jawline yet?"

"What I mean is, he definitely is handsome, but i'm not interested in a relationship" I said slowly.

"Aw, I was really looking forward to teasing you about it" George responded and earned a laugh from Fred. "In that case, theres not much we can do. Although, Scarlet, just know you have many options" Hermione told me simply while taking a sip of pumpkin juice. This sparked my interest and I was immediately intrigued. "What? Who else, then?" I pressed. "Ah! So you are interested!" She had a satisfied grin on her face.

"I never said that Hermione, I just want to know what i'm getting myself into" I poked at my plate of toast with a fork. "Fine. You definitely have caught the attention of everybody, but according to the statistics - as far as my observations go, Cedric Diggory, Blaise Zabini, and Draco Malfoy have took the most glances at you. There are also others, but unfortunately I cannot disclose of that information." I noticed Harry tense up across me, but I chose to ignore it.

"Malfoy? Blimey, stay away from that one, Scar." Ron said cautiously. "His parents are death eaters, and he's been picking on us since the minute we stepped foot into Hogwarts." Hermione grabbed my arm and brought my attention back to her. "Really though, you can do better." I simply nodded to her and went back to eating my food, but a million thoughts went through my mind. I definitely don't have a thing for him. I mean how could I? He's arrogant, selfish, plain rude, disrespectful, I can go on forever- but why is it that I simply can't stop thinking about him? 

I glanced up and sent a small smile to Cedric, who's eyes were still glued onto me. A few seconds later, I saw Draco sitting at the slytherin table staring right at me. I couldn't make out the expression on his face, there were too many emotions there- but I recognized one. Jealousy.


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