3. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺

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Before I knew it, the train came to a sudden stop. I hadn't been paying attention to the ride, instead i'd been focusing on getting to know Hermione, Ron, and Harry. It turns out they've been tight since the first year at Hogwarts. I really do admire their friendship, although I cant help but think that there are some romantic feelings between Ron and Hermione. I don't think she'd ever admit it, but the sexual tension between them is through the roof.

"Home sweet home" Harry smiled. I liked Harry a lot. I'd assume he would be a complete uptight git considering he's one of the most famous people in our world, but in reality he's shy and a pleasant person to talk to. I watched him as he stepped out of the train, following behind him. I heard rumors about how he never had an actual place to call home until he came to Hogwarts, now I think they're true. I was admiring the architecture until I heard a loud voice coming from behind me.

"ALL FIRST YEARS INCLUDING TRANSFERS FOLLOW ME!" a tall and wide man with a messy beard yelled. "That's you, Scar. Me, Harry, and Mione will find you inside, alright? Hopefully at the Gryffindor table" Ron squeezed my shoulder and smirked. "See you guys there" I quickly said and made my way to the big man who was walking speedily to the castle.

I was the only fourth year in the group, and among the small kids I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I quickly reminded myself that I was Scarlet Fatale, not intimidated nor insecure by anyone or anything. It was a little difficult to get that in my head with all of the stares, though. As I was walking with the other first years, all eyes were on me. I kept my head up and looked straight ahead, making sure to not make awkward eye contact.

About a few moments later, I walked straight into the Grand Hall. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. Everybody was talking and laughing, and the sorting ceremony was about to take place. As I was observing the scenery, I took notice of the same platinum blonde hair I saw earlier, only that he was staring directly at me. I made eye contact and I could see his face turning red out of embarrassment from getting caught staring. I honestly thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS!" a tall, frail woman wearing a green robe diverted my attention from the boy onto her. "I am Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house. Before we go on, you must be sorted into your house. They are: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Here, your house is like your family. When I call your name please step up and the sorting hat will made its decision." The entire Grand Hall went silent with anticipation, and I noticed more and more people staring at me specifically. A few of the first years were called up, and after roars from each houses tables, it was finally my turn. "Scarlet Fatale."

I walked up to the chair and sat down. Instantly, the sorting hat was placed onto me and I could feel my hand shaking. To me, every house was great, but I had heard too many rumors about Slytherin to not be nervous.

"Hmmm. Tricky. Very tricky," the sorting hat began. "You possess a very valuable quality, intelligence. You could be great in Ravenclaw." I smirked at that. My entire life people had said i'd be sorted into Ravenclaw. Just as I was getting happy about being placed there, the sorting hat continued.

"But, you have ambition like no other. And extremely clever. Let it be... 

Instantly the Slytherin table started to clap and cheer me on. I was frozen in my chair. There was no wizard who didn't make it out of Slytherin bad, I've heard that my entire life. Professor McGonagall softly smiled at me and and gently pushed me into the direction of the Slytherin table. I sat down at the nearest empty place on the bench, which happened to be right across the blonde. I smiled at a few Slytherins who were patting my shoulder and saying things like "Well done" and "Welcome." After everything was settled down, I turned my head to the blonde boy who was smirking at me.

"Welcome to the snake den, Fatale."


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