34. 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up! You're all going to be late- Fred Weasley you get dressed this moment!" Mrs. Weasley's voice boomed from the hallway, getting closer and closer to Ginny's room. "Ginerva, how many times do I need to tell you" she shuffled past me, Hermione, and Ginny who were all half asleep. "The alarm clock stays ON! Your father didn't go through the hassle to take this from clueless muggles just so you don't put it to good use- ah, Scarlet and Hermione!" she beamed at both of us.

"Morning" me and Hermione said in unison from the makeshift 'bed' which was really just stacks of blankets and pillows on the floor. Regardless, Ginny made it extremely comfortable.

After Mrs. Weasley's long lecture toward Ginny about being in time, we all finally put our outfits on and packed the last of things we needed. Nova had flew in my suitcase after my mom rung Mrs. Weasley, making sure that I had all of my essentials.

I stood in front of Ginny's mirror as I realized what was still wrapped around my neck

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I stood in front of Ginny's mirror as I realized what was still wrapped around my neck. The necklace Draco had given me with his initial laid perfectly on my chest, yet the diamonds didn't seem to sparkle as bright as they did when he gave it to me. I chuckled bitterly at the small metaphor as I ripped it off of me, throwing it inside my bag. 

I looked through a few other necklaces I had in there, my eyes landing on one shaped like a snake. I put it on carefully before following Ginny and Hermione out of the room. All three of us made our way down the cluttered stairs and into the kitchen, where everybody was occupied with something. Mrs. Weasley was casting spells so that the pancakes would flip perfectly on their own, Mr. Weasley was flicking through the daily prophet, Ron and Harry were exchanging chocolate frogs, and the twins were attempting to ride their brooms inside- earning a few slaps from their mother. I chuckled at the chaos and sat down at the table between Hermione and Harry.

"Good morning, Scarlet" Harry smiled to me, in which I smirked back. "Morning" I muttered, picking at my nails. Draco was still at the back of my mind, and knowing that i'd have to see him soon shook me to my core. I looked up at everybody, my eyes landing directly on Fred. Fuck. I had completely forgotten about what went down last night.

He gave me a small smile as he sat down across from me, quieting down from the previous noise he was making with George. "There you are" Mrs. Weasley slapped perfect pancakes down on each of our plates, pouring a generous amount of syrup on them individually. "Excited to go back, are we?" she smiled as finally she sat down at the table.

I swallowed hard as everybody else nodded, not exactly knowing how to respond. Not only did I have to worry about Draco, but Fred has only added to my list of complications. It wasn't his fault after all, I knew that.

After about another 15 minutes of us finishing our breakfast, Mr and Mrs. Weasley sent us all to Kings Cross station using floo powder. I sighed as we started to get closer to the station, my stomach turning. I could see Draco at any moment now, what would I even do?

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