18. 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴

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"It's not my favorite." My mother said for what felt like the hundredth time. "Arabella, maybe a different color? Maybe black or.. a nice green!" Narcissa peeked out from the clothing rack full of expensive dresses. I learned that Narcissa and my mom knew each other for around 15 years now, since both of their husbands would occasionally catch up. I assumed she felt liberated when hanging out with my mother, I overheard her say Lucius barely let her have friends.

"Black, brilliant Cissy" my mom put her cigarette out and took out a long black gown with golden details. I instantly adored it. "It'll hug your figure perfectly, try it on" Narcissa sent me a small smile, which I returned. "Alright, give me a sec" I bolted to the dressing room and threw the dress on. I almost couldn't recognize myself in the mirror.

I was used to wearing the most expensive fabrics, but this dress was entirely different

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I was used to wearing the most expensive fabrics, but this dress was entirely different. It felt like me, in comparison to the girly, non-revealing clothes my father would put me in. I stepped out of the changing room and was greeted with my mothers smiling face. "Beau! Parfait! (beautiful, perfect)" she gasped. "Narcissa come here, look at her!" she pulled her by her arm and Narcissa instantly gasped, quickly changing her expression to a smile. "Your mother is right, its beyond perfect. I'm so lucky my boy is going with you."

"Thank you" I giggled. I was extremely flustered, having the admiration of Narcissa was something i'd been nervous about all day. "Speaking of Draco, where did he go off to?" my mom said curiously.

"Some store around here, he wouldn't tell me. Took a good amount of galleons with him too" Narcissa simply shrugged.

After another half an hour of them two shopping, they finally checked out. Their shopping bags were huge in comparison to their small figures, and the view amused me. Right as we were exiting Lady Burton's, I saw Draco making his way to us. We must've surprised him, because he stuffed whatever he bought into his pockets almost instantly.

"Draco! I almost forgot to give you this" my mom scoured through each of her bags, eventually finding a large green box with a black bow tied around it. "Scarlet told me you liked the chocolates so," she handed it to a smiley Draco. I admired how around our moms, he didn't have to put up any sort of shield, he was just a boy, regardless of the fact that he towered over my mother in height. Pigs would have to fly before he was ever this carefree in Hogwarts. "Oh wow, thank you. They really are amazing, Mrs. Fa-"

"Oh no, just call me Arabella mon amour (my love)!" she quickly cut him off. "Any time you'd like more, please ask Scarlet to write to me" she took his hand in hers. The wholesome moment was interrupted once Narcissa looked down at her pocket watch. "Merlin, It's already 6pm, Lucius will be home any minute..." a look of distress flashed across her face.

"There's a floo network right in that building, i'll take you" my mother softly grabbed her arm. "Draco, it was wonderful meeting you, beau garçon (handsome boy)" my mother embraced him in a hug, which he hesitantly returned. "You as well, thank you for these" he gestured to the chocolates, which my mother simply waved off.

"Don't be a stranger, Scarlet" Narcissa squeezed my shoulder. "Lovely meeting you. Until next time" she gave me a small nod. "Likewise, thank you for everything today." Me and Draco gave our goodbyes to our own mothers and started heading back to the castle, hand in hand.

"How was she?" Draco looked at me seriously. "Did she try anything? Was she too bitchy-"

"What? No! Not at all. She was really really sweet, actually. She... reminds me a lot of you" I looked up at him. "Thats not a good thing" he mumbled. "It's a GREAT thing" I stretched out my words, in which he held my hand tighter. "What did you do all day?" I asked curiously.

"Well, you know... Slayed some dragons. Read to the elderly. I went to New york-" I slapped the back of his head. "You missed a fashion show of a lifetime, I looked absolutely amazing in each dress" I said through a small laugh. "Oh did I? What a shame" he faked disappointment. "On the bright side, I'd prefer seeing you with no clothes on anyway."

I definitely wasn't expecting that response. I tried to hide the blush that crept onto my cheeks, but failed miserably. "Well... I don't.. participate in pre-marital sex.." I tried to say it through a straight face, but right when I made eye contact with Draco, we both broke into a fit of laughter. He dropped to the grass below us, and dragged me down with him.

"I guess we'll just have to get married then" he propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at me. I gave him a small laugh and rolled my eyes. "I want a wedding in autumn." I looked up at the clouds. "Cold weather's nice. I like it better than summer, but I wouldn't want the snow to take over, you know? Autumn is perfect."

"That would be nice. I like the cold too. It comforts me more than warm things, I don't know" he wiped a strand of my hair behind my ear. I silently fiddled with his long fingers, enjoying the comfortable silence.

"What are you thinking about?" he intertwined our fingers together. "Whatever you're thinking about" I looked up at him.

He lifted me up and sat me on his thigh, leaning back against a large tree. Ahead of us was a beautiful lake, surrounded by flowers of each color. "I'm thinking about how I couldn't introduce you today as my girlfriend."

"You can, if you really want to" I said quietly. He let out a small sigh. "I don't know how."

"It's just two words, Draco. Be mine. That's all you need to say" my voice growing more desperate by the minute. He lifted his head and made direct eye contact with me. "I don't know how relationships... work. You don't deserve someone like that." I lifted my hand and caressed his cheek, his words tugging at my heartstrings.

"I'm always going to be right here. Take your time, but.. no ones going anywhere." A comforted expression formed on his face before he enclasped our lips together in a sweet kiss.

He brought my head to his chest as we observed the white swans in the lake. I would never be able to get tired of this.


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