Lucifer•Part I•🍋

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Warning!!!: Lemon, might also contain swear/curse words

"Oh, y/n!" You bumped into Barbatos and lost your balance. Luckily, Barbatos caught you, his arm wrapped around your waist. "Are you alright? Apologies, I was in a hurry." Barbatos helped you stand up straight then bowed as he apologized. "Ah, no! No need for you to bow like that. I-I'm fine!" You panicked as you put your hand on his shoulder, urging him to stop bowing.

"This is a very fortunate incident. I was actually looking for you." Barbatos gave you smile making your heart flutter. 'What's with the badump? This isn't some type of manga or something, stop it heart.' "A-ah me?" You stuttered as you came back to your senses. "Yes, you see, my lord has been worried about Lucifer. It looks like he has been working nonstop again." Barbatos explained. You nodded putting your hand on your chin. "I see... He's been busy since last week. It seems like he's trying to finish all of his work since Lord Diavolo's birthday's coming up." You sighed as you remembered Lucifer's tired look.

"I'm glad you understood the situation. Lord Diavolo's counting on you." Barbatos lowered his head slightly before leaving. You stood there, thinking of what to do. Just as you decided to head back to your room, a dark figure across the hallway caught your attention. It was Lucifer, he was staring at you. You smiled at him and as you started to approach him, he averted his gaze and walked away.

"Huh?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Did he not see me...?" You walked faster, trying to catch up to him. "Lucifer!" You called out to him. He turned around and faced you. You gave him a smile, trying hard not to look scared as his eyes pierced through you. 'If only looks could kill...'

"I heard from Barbatos that you haven't had enough rest these past few days." He sighed putting his hand on his chest. "I assure you, I am alright." He turned and walked away. "Ah wait! Lucifer!" You called out to him again, trying to catch up to him. "I-I can accompany you- oof!" Lucifer stopped in his tracks and you bumped at his back. You fell on the floor but you quickly stood up and apologized. "Sorry!" You said as you rubbed your back trying to ease the pain from the fall. "Accompany me, huh?" Lucifer crossed his arms. "Well then, I'll be waiting for you in my room." He smirked.


You continue to play games in your phone, sitting next to Lucifer as he do his work. "Lucifer, how about a break?" You tapped your finger on his desk. "Let me finish this." He responded. You sighed as you lean back your chair, resuming your game. *ding* A message popped up, it was Barbatos.


Barbatos: Y/N, I made some macarons for Lord Diavolo.

Barbatos: But I made too much. You wouldn't mind if I give some to you, would you?

You: Of course not!

Barbatos: I'll send them to you later. Consider it as thanks for the favor we've asked.

You: Thanks!

-chat end-

Looking at your phone you smiled. You heard a groan from Lucifer and you looked over at him. He was crossing his arms, his eyebrows furrowed. He stood up, putting his arms on the chairs' armrest. He took your phone and read the message. Lucifer laid your phone down his desk and took your chin. "Happily chatting with other men while your with me. If you wanted attention, you should have told me." He pressed his lips with yours. "I'll gladly give it to you."

//There will be part 2
//Requests allowed♡
//Photo not mine

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