Mammon x MC x Twins•Part II•🍋

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//This is requested by one of the readers.

Warning!!!: Lemon, might contain curse/swear words, f0urs0me.

"W-wait a sec- ah~" You immediately covered your mouth as soon as you let out a moan. Beel's hands were already under your shirt, slowly and gently caressing your skin. Mammon and Belphie on the other hand nuzzled their heads on your shoulder. Belphie started to nibble on your collarbone leaving marks. You bit your lip wincing from the pain. You threw your head back letting him leave more marks on your neck and collarbone. You lay your head on Mammon's shoulder. Beel was not contented on touching you so he started kissing you. Even though the kiss was sloppy, it felt good. It made you want more.

"Grrr..." Mammon grunted. "What are you growling at, scumbag?" Belphie mocked him. "Shuddap, why do ya get to make a move on Y/N first? I'm their first you know! So I gotta be the one-" Mammon complained. "Oh shut up! And stop saying that you're their first!" Belphie scowled at his older brother.

While the two brothers are fighting, Beel continued on kissing you. He even brought you on the couch making you sit on his lap. He continued to rub his hands on your waist. Not caring about his two brothers who're quarrelling, he removed his and your shirt. 'He's so fcking hot...'

He continued on pleasuring you, kissing and sucking on your skin until it left marks. He happily looking at the marks he left. "I made one beside Belphie's." He smiled. Still holding you by the waist, he looked up at you asking for a kiss. You inched your face closer to his, ready to give him another kiss.

"Beel!" Mammon and Belphie shouted at once. They immediately took their shirt off throwing them on the floor. "Tsk! You're unfair Y/N..." Mammon clicked his tongue. "Y/N..." Belphie took your hand and started to lick it. Mammon on the otherhand held you by the shoulders. He started to give you kisses on your back. Jealous of his two brothers, he also left marks on your skin.

Proud by the marks he left, he turned your head and asked you for a kiss which you gladly accepted. He entered his tongue in your mouth. "Hngh~" You moaned as you felt Mammon's hands fondle your chest. "That's enough. Y/N, give me one too." Belphie grabbed the back of your head and started to kiss you. You panted as he pulled back.

"We're only getting started but you're already a mess." Belphie gently stroked your face, removing some strands of your hair out of the way. "Y/N, turn around." You listened to Mammon's request. Still sitting on Beel's lap, you turned your back on him and faced the other two. "I'm liking this view." Mammon commented. "Finally something we can agree on." Belphie nudged him on the side. "Y/N, hurry..." Beel huffed. He was panting heavily.

"Beel, you're really sensitive." Belphie sighed looking at gis brother's crotch. You blushed realizing that he's already hard. "Can't... help it." Beel struggled to respond. "I'm going to be a good big brother and let you go first. What d'ya say?" Mammon leaned over, putting his arm on the back of the couch. He stroked Beel's head waiting for his answer.

You can feel Beel's face turning red. He nodded. "Wow, what a good big brother." Belphie said sarcastically. "Oh shuddap!" Mammon gritted his teeth. "Y/N, should I prepare you?" Belphie smirked.

//Part III tomorrow/day after tomorrow.
//sorry late upload
//Upcoming stories:
•Luke x Reader?
•Sick Satan x Reader (requested)🍋
•Barbatos x Reader
•Levi x Reader🍋
•Solomon x Reader
•Beel x Reader🍋
•Satan x Reader🍋
•Grown up Luke x Reader
•Lucifer x Reader(dom?)(requested)🍋
•Diavolo x Lucifer (excuse my inner fujoshi)
•Brothers x Reader (Requested)
//Photo not mine.
//Requests allowed~☆

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