Mammon(and brothers)•Extra Chapter•🍋

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//Here's the extra part T-T

Warning!!!: might contain curse/swear words

You put your arm on your back, tilting your head a little as you sat up. "Goodness..." you groaned. You checked the time on your phone and stood up. "Hell no...!" Trying not to make much noise as possible you leaned on the wall for support. Your legs were trembling from ahem last night. You glared at the brothers sleeping soundly on your bed, the others on the floor... well, let's just say it's a mess. "Hah, 'I'll be gentle.' Yeah right as if you did." You didn't even get enough sleep. Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow.

You sighed as you tried to walk your way to the door. It was hard, not only because of your trembling legs but also because of lack of sleep and exhaustion. "They're demons even in bed... aurgh I just want water damn it...!" You finally reached the door. You held the door knob and slowly opened it. Before stepping outside, you glanced at the sleeping brothers.

"Huh? Woah!" You stumbled aside trying to avoid the object in front of your bedroom door. "Ouch... what in the world is this- wait. Isn't this...?" You gently took the object in your arms. The moonlight from the window made it shine beautifully. It was of emerald color, symbols were engraved at its bottom. "It's the-"

"Y/N, YA ALRIGHT?!" Mammon swung the door wide open making you flinch. "Eep!" You had goosebumps when the vase almost fell out of your hands. "Can you not shout?" Levi complained at Mammon before asking you if you were okay. "Y/N, is there any problem? Are you hurt?" Lucifer grunts as he come out of the room. 'Of course I'm hurt. My hips, my back, my throat. Everything hurts and who's fault do you think is that-' "Augh! Y/N what happened? And why are you still awake? You need your beauty sleep." Asmo peeked. The twins followed and asked you if you're alright.

"Y/N, what's that?" Beel pointed the object in your arms. You slowly removed your arms covering the vase and revealed it. The brothers' eyes went wide. "Why do you have that?" Belphie asked though it's quite obvious that he's a bit pissed off. "Hm? This? Oh I was going to get some water and when I opened the door I almost hit it so I fell on the floor and now I'm sitting here holding this vase. It was just lying here in front of my door, dunno why though."

"That's the vase... Lilith's." Belphie sat beside you, taking it from your hands. "What was it doing here, just lying around?" Satan leaned his shoulder on the wall as he crossed his arms. "Waah! It's like one of those mystery anime where the main character randomly finds stuff in front of their door and- " Levi continued to ramble. "Geez, talk about being a complete otaku." Mammon shrugged his shoulders. "Shut up, you normie!"

"Good job in finding it Y/N." Beel smiled. "A...ah, thanks." You smiled back. "Lucifer took it from Belphie and gently held it. "Thank you Y/N. I'll put this back. You go back to sleep." Lucifer walked away. "Well, that was kinda weird. But at least we found it." You sighed.

"By the way Y/N-chan, why are you still sitting on the floor?" Asmo asked. An irk mark appeared on your head as you respond. "...Who's fault is this? I can't even stand up, I just wanted to get some water." "Eep! Y/N's smile is scary." Levi commented. Suddenly you were lifted up by strong arms. "You could've waken one of us up." Beel said as you wrap your arms around him. 'Dang he lifted me up like a feather.'

"I'll go get the water for ya. Don't you dare do anythin' weird to Y/N while I'm gone." Mammon glared at his brothers. "Oh?" Satan smirked. "Hey, Y/N, how 'bout another round?" Belphie whispered. "You..." your face turned red. "I can't even walk and you're asking me that?!"

"Hehehe just kidding." Belphie chuckled before kissing your forhead. "Y/N here's your water- hey, I told you no funny business." Mammon gritted his teeth while looking at Belphie. "What? You jealous?" Belphie continued to tease his brother. "Grrr..."

"What's with all this commotion, get inside!" Lucifer scolded his brothers. Beel carried you to bed before givinv you the glass of water. "Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked the brothers, seeing their face turn red as they look at you with lustful eyes. "I think it's better if we head back to our room." Satan suggested. "I totally agree." Levi covered his blushing face with his hands. Beel nodded silently while Belphie looked away. "Something we can agree on..." Lucifer avoided your gaze. "Ah... this is bad. I agree with Satan." Asmo shook his head as he crossed his arms. The brothers turned their back heading towards the door.

"You're gonna leave?" You asked them, clutching the side of your bed sheets. The brothers turned to face you once again "Sparkly..." Mammon commented. You could see Beel gulp. "Waaah!" Levi's face is now like a tomato. "" You tilt your head in confusion. "Just so you know if you're not able to walk for weeks, it's your fault." Satan tried to avoid your gaze as much as possible. "Y/N-chaaan~ How can you look like that?" Asmo jumped on your bed before giving you a big hug. "Woah! Hey! Asmo!" Mammon exclaimed. "Just how the hell did you see me?!" You panicked, well of course who would want to not walk for weeks. "Wha- hey!"

You managed to stop the brothers from doing any more and scolded them. Yes, even Lucifer. You scolded the old man-


Earlier in the brothers' perspective:
"Y-you're going to leave?" Y/N said in the most seductive way. I could feel the flowers bloom around their back as sparkles fall around them. Ah, I couldn't hold back any longer. If only my brothers aren't here then I'd be able to hold them tight til' the break of the day. Tsk! I want them in my arms right now.


//upcoming stories:
•Mammon x Y/N x the twins (requested)🍋
•Luke x Reader?
•Sick Satan x Reader (requested)🍋
•Barbatos x Reader
•Levi x Reader🍋
•Solomon x Reader
•Beel x Reader🍋
•Satan x Reader🍋
•Grown up Luke x Reader
•Lucifer x Reader(dom?)(requested)🍋
•Diavolo x Lucifer
•Brothers x Reader (Requested)
//Sorry I can't contain my inner fujoshi. If you don't like the bl then just skip it when I upload it XD
//the last request though... wild
//Photo not mine
//Requests allowed~♡

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