Mammon•Part I•🍋

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Warning !!!: Lemon, might contain curse/swear words, spoilers.

//For anyone confused, the vase that will be mentioned is something that was found from the 8th sibling's room. It was not placed in her room but used to be placed in her room.
//Anyway, here's part I of the request

"GAH!" Mammon's screams echoed through the hallway. "Seriously..." Levi shook his head. "Is Mammon alright?" The menu popped up on the screen as you paused the game you were playing. "Lucifer probably caught him stealing something again." Levi said as if he was in a rapping contest. He was very focused on the game.

'Leviachan wins' The robotic female voice in the game cheerfully said. "Aaahhh I finally achieve that one trophy! Now to finish off the other trophy collection- hey Y/N! How can we finish this if you're not even focused." He tugged your the sleeve of your shirt, moving closer to you.

"I'm sorry, I was... Levi, too close..." Both of your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Levi immediately pulled back, hiding his face. "I-It's because of you Y/N! Y-you weren't f-focusing on the game!" Yep, he was embarrassed. Too embarrassed. "I TOLD YA! IT WASN'T ME!" Mammon's voice boomed. "Then who was the one who stole that vase. You know how important that is." Lucifer was clearly mad. Levi quickly turned the screen off and hid his things. "Why do they have to fight right in front of my room." He complained.

You sat there worried. You know Mammon when he lies. He would immediately admit it when he knows he's about to get beaten and then run. But this time was different, he kept on insisting he wasn't the one who did it. "What if Mammon was telling the truth?" You asked Levi. "Yeah right, as if he would. Yo, Y/N it's probably best if you don't come out of my room for a while. I mean you might get caught up in the mess outside. Not that I want to be alone with you or anything- HEY!" It was too late for Levi to call you back, you were already outside standing between the two brothers.

"Calm down..." You tried to stop their argument. You can feel the temperature drop in the room. "Ah... Lucifer, you know what if Mammon was telling the truth I mean- I-I don't know how important that vase is but I-" Lucifer pulled you aside. "Step aside Y/N." His face was stern, not breaking eye contact with Mammon. He grabbed Mammon's collar and his demonic features started to show. Mammon immediately closed his eyes hoping for the worst but it never came.

Opening his eyes, he saw a pair of arms hugging Lucifer from behind. Lucifer froze in place, his hands trembling from the force of his fist clenches. He let Mammon go and walked away silently. Not uttering a single word, Lucifer disappeared from sight and you turned to Mammon. Levi stood in his bedroom door completely shocked. You sighed in frustration as you see the other brothers standing behind Mammon.

"I never saw Lucifer walked away just liked that without punishing Mammon." Asmo commented. "What did you do to make him that mad anyway?" Beel munched on his food. "The old man was accusing me of stealing the vase from Lilith's room. Can you believe-"

"WHY YOU! HOW DARE YOU STEAL FROM OUR HER ROOM!" Belphie was enraged. Beel dropped the food he was holding and his brows furrowed. Asmo gave a look of disgust towards his brother. Satan and Levi frowned. "Are you serious?!" You turned to Asmo as you hear his 'cute' voice turn a little bit (just a teeny bit) deeper. "I must say this is crossing the line." With his hand on his chest, Satan lowered his head a bit and shot daggers towards Mammon. 'Ah so it was Lilith's...' You stood there awkwardly.

"Tsk! I'm done with you doing all this shit! It could've been anything but YOU had to steal something she used to own?" You knew what Belphie would do so you immediately grabbed his shoulders and faced him to you. "Belphie, listen. Why don't we hear Mammon out first? I know he might have done some things but you know he wouldn't do something as taking your sister's stuff." You tried to convince him. "Heh, as if he wouldn't. You've seen him take our stuff like it was just some random free shit, haven't you?" A shiver went down your spine as you see him smile sarcastically.

"Yes, I know he does that but that doesn't mean he lack respect that he would take a thing that belongs to someone who is..." Your voice trailedd off, having a hard time mentioning what happened to their sister. "That's it I-" Belphie pushed you away, and you stagger a bit.

"That's it! I'm done with ya! You won't even believe. Y'all think I'd do something like that? Seriously? If you're tired of having a brother like me then just tell me and kick me out of this house!" Belphie's hand seem to lose strength and fall to his side. All of you silently watched him walk off pissed. "I'm going back to my room." Asmo crossed his arms andt started walking away. Levi closed his bedroom door while Satan silently turned. Belphie ran away biting his lip in anger and confusion.

"You should probably go back to your room Y/N." Beel said before running after Belphie. You looked over at the direction Mammon ran off to. You feel your mouth dried up just thinking about what just happened. Having a glance at where Belphie ran, you ran towards Mammon's direction.

//part II tomorrow or day after tomorrow or ahm the day after the day after tomorrow HAHAHA
//drama is real
//Photo not mine
//Requests allowed~♡

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