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An: Because of me not knowing what names you want for a child, Ysn (Your Son's Name) and Ydn (Your Daughter's Name) will be there to take its place. I will be using this for all my stories if your child is involved. I would put a randomized name if it is not your child.

~ Ditched ~
~*Part One*~

~ Ditched ~~*Part One*~

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Slowly walking into the house, I close the door behind myself and put my purse on the couch. I sigh.

This is the third time my boss forced me to stay after hours.
He's been hitting on me a lot; I can't wait to quit once I get a new job.

I started walking towards the stairs, to go check on my sleeping 7-year-old son. Suddenly a light comes on, revealing my husband who was with his arms crossed, I stop walking. He was in his white button-up and work slacks, he black curls were in a low bun; it seems like he just got home from work too.

I walk up to him, pecking his lips. "Hey, baby." I smile.

Michael was neutral, he didn't smile or smirk. I was confused but I went with it and pulled away from him, "How was your day?"

He didn't answer, he just stared at me with an angry look.

I walk up to him and rub his arms, "Baby, whats.."

He finally spoke by cutting me off, "Where were you?"

"Work, why?"

"Was work fun?"

I slowly pull my hands away, looking at him with a confused look on my face, "Yeah, it was okay. My boss told me to stay late."

"Your boss called,"


"Huh? What do you mean he called?"

"He called and told me about your day at work."

I was still confused, why would my boss call my home?

"And how good your pussy was."

My eyes widen, "What?"

He walked closer to me, "You fucked him?"

I quickly shook my head, backing up, "No! I never had sex with that man."

"Then why did he call here, telling me how good you've been at work? Sucking his dick?"

My back hits the front door, and I quickly place my hands on his chest, "Michael, I've never done anything with him. He's trying to break us apart."

He quickly uncrosses his arms and slams his hands on the door behind me, "You really except for me to believe that?!" My husband yells in my face.

𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 • 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟐 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now