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An: I posted a survey on my conversations tab (I closed it) and I hope y'all read the recent posts. I forgot to add in the survey to add your username and I can't add it now because people have already responded to it.

So to the people who sent requests on the survey, please leave your username and the same request either in my PM or the comments here.

Anyway, enjoy!

~ Ditched ~
~*Part Four*~

~ Ditched ~~*Part Four*~

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"Girl, you think he gonna bring your kid here?" My friend, Anita asked, knowing that Michael came last week to visit me.

I was getting ready to see my son and Anita was worried if Michael was going to bring my 10-year old. I still got two years left in here, Anita got about six years for first-degree robbery.

I look at myself in the mirror, brushing my teeth, "I don't know. He might not but I hope something changes in his heart."

"I hope so too; sounds like a real dick move if he doesn't let you see your kid."

I spit out the gunk from my mouth, "I know." I turned off the water and put down my toothbrush. "You think Mya is gonna come again?"

"She only beat you up because you used the phone on her time; you need to watch yourself, Yn."

I turn around, looking at Anita laying on my bed. "Come on, Anita. You've known me ever since I got here; you still gotta teach me the rules around this place."

"Well, one is that you should watch your back. You already got fucked up in here."

I sigh, "I know but it was my turn when she got to the phone."

Anita looked at me, shrugging, "Then just beat her up."

I look at her like she was crazy, "And add more time to my sentence? Hell nah!"

She laughed at my reaction, then stop once the door suddenly opened. We both look at the doorway, seeing Mya and her two bodyguards next to her. Anita got up and stood in front of me, trying to protect me.

Mya smiled, walking into the room, "You got a girlfriend now?"

I stayed quiet as Anita spoke, "Mya, why you always picking on her? She's been through a lot."

Mya crosses her arms, "Yeah, I don't care. I just need someone to clean my room."

"I'll do it; she's busy today."

"Ooh busy with what? Eating your pussy?"

"Shut the fuck up," I mumble loudly, not giving a damn.

𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 • 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟐 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now