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We're back at the Q/A!

Y'all like asking a lot of questions.
I'm sorry if I didn't get to all of your questions.


Anonymous: What does love mean to you?

Michaelover12: I think love is commitment and trust.

A lot of people think it's all sex but it isn't. I would make love instead of having sex.

There is a difference.
I don't know if you know the difference but it's a really big difference.


Anonymous: In your opinion, how often should someone shower?

Michaelover12: Well, it depends on the gender.

Females have to take a shower at least once a day but not every day of the week; their skin will dry out that way.

Males also need to take a shower once a day but if they work out or do anything that has to do with exercise, they should take two each day.

Not every day though, it'll dry out the skin and if you don't want to lotion your body every day for the rest of your life, don't do it.
Unless your boyfriend/girlfriend is down to do it for you. 😌


Anonymous: What do you think about marriage?

Michaelover12: I love marriage. I love the vows, the wedding, the dance, the lovemaking at night, just everything!

I'm kinda a perfectionist, so a wedding has to be perfect to show my love to my partner.


Anonymous: Where did you always want to go on vacation?

Michaelover12: I've honestly wished to go to DisneyWorld. I know, sounds childish. But I'm a kid at heart with an old soul in the mixture.

I would love to go DisneyWorld.
Sleeping in huge hotels and watching cartoons until I fall asleep.

Honestly, who wouldn't want that?


Anonymous: Favorite music genre?

Michaelover12: Pop, HipHop, Rap; honestly just old school music.

Also, someone please tell me why that people call the oldies oldies?
'Cause, that's just callin' the 80s and 90s kids old.


Anonymous: How would parents describe you?

Michaelover12: Unique.


Anonymous: Are you the type of person who won't stop saying sorry?

Michaelover12: I am a HSP so saying sorry multiple times is kinda part of the description.


Anonymous: What do you use to edit your pictures?

Michaelover12: I use multiple apps but I mainly use PicsArt, Phonto, Prequel, and Snapseed. I could do a tutorial on my cover shop book so people can see how I make them.


Anonymous: Opinion on the idea that men should be able to protect women?

Michaelover12: Yes.

I know it sounds like women shouldn't stand up for themselves but a man is supposed to protect you and if he ain't there, he should teach you how to protect yourself.


Anonymous: How do you know that someone is into you?

Michaelover12: They ask you out.

If you're a male, you should ask her/him out.

If you're a female, you just gotta wait.

I know waiting takes so long but I waited and God blessed me with someone.


Anonymous: What's up with flea markets in your opinion?

Michaelover12: Awesome honestly. You could get some cheap shit over there, but since this COVID is still happenin', I suggest not going right now.


Anonymous: Go with the flow or plan it out?

Michaelover12: I do both; I plan all the shit out then I go with the flow.

This is why I'm late on posts. 😂


Anonymous: Is there anyone that belongs to your family but is not related to you?

Michaelover12: My best friend.


Anonymous: Last time you complimented someone, what was it?

Michaelover12: This was yesterday; I complimented my boyfriend's eyes because he kept staring at me and complimenting on my eyes. And our eyes are both chocolate brown (like Michael's) so it's understandable.


Anonymous: What would you do if it's hot outside?

Michaelover12: Shit, I would either stay inside or chill in a kiddie pool.


Anonymous: Thoughts on people who drink alcohol?

Michaelover12: Hopefully, they aren't an angry drunk because that's gonna be bad.

But kids remember, don't drink. I've tried it, it's disgusting. Just don't do it.


Anonymous: Have you ever cheated in a relationship?

Michaelover12: Nope, I'm always loyal. 😌


Anonymous: Have you ever lost something really expensive?

Michaelover12: When I was little, I broke a snow globe. It was sad. ☹️


Anonymous: How do you feel about someone randomly smiling at you on the street?

Michaelover12: A man or woman smiling at me on the streets would creep me out.


That's twenty.

Remember if you have any questions, link for Tellonym on my account bio.

I don't usually ask people to vote for me for the MJSSAs but please do.
Also thank you guys for 7.59k reads on this imagine book! 🥳

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day/night and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Kisses 😘

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